Showing posts with label Star Trek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Trek. Show all posts

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happy 45th Birthday, Star Trek

It was 45 years ago today...
NBC promo art by Doc Savage artist James Bama
...that Star Trek debuted on NBC with the fifth episode filmed "The Man Trap", chosen by NBC execs because it had a "monster"!
(These were the same network executives who rejected the first pilot "The Cage", because it was "too cerebral"!)
"Too cerebral?"  Let's watch LOST IN SPACE!
With five spin-off tv series, eleven movies (and a twelfth in pre-production), innumerable books, comics, toys, and other paraphernalia, and a still-dedicated (some say obsessed) fanbase (one of the largest in science fiction/fantasy), Trek has become a permanent part of pop culture.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lucy Meets Superman!

It's Lucille Ball's 100th Birthday... we thought we'd look at the most comic tv episode she ever did!
Lucy Meets Superman!
Lucy competes with her friend Carolyn Appleby over invitations and scheduling for Little Ricky's birthday party.
When Ricky mentions that Superman is in town, Lucy tries to get Superman to come to Little Ricky's party, sure that this will make it a much bigger draw than the one Carolyn is hosting.
Ricky tries, but Superman can't make the party. So Lucy disguises herself as "Superman", and much hilarity ensues.
Fortunately Superman does show up to save the day...

Though the episode was filmed and broadcast in black and white, George Reeves wore the "color" red/blue/yellow costume which looks almost monochromatic in b/w (as you can see)!
This was because the show was recorded in front of a live audience, and the high-contrast gray (for blue) and brown (for red) costume used in Adventures of Superman's b/w episodes wouldn't have looked "right" to the audience (or the kids on set)!
The promotional photo at left was shot in b/w and meant for b/w newspaper and magazine reproduction, so George wore the gray/brown costume to provide contrast between the "blue" and "red" costume elements.

Deliberately, George Reeves appears only in costume and everyone refers to him only as "Superman", not as "George Reeves" or "the man who plays Superman" or somesuch!

In one scene, a woman sees Lucy in her improvised Superman costume outside a window and screams!  When her husband asks her what she saw...
Man: Was it a bird?
Woman: No!
Man: Was it a plane?
Woman: No!
Man: Then what was it?
Woman: It was Superman!
The woman was played by Madge Blake, who several years later, was Aunt Harriet on the Batman TV series!

Now a special treat...the COMPLETE EPISODE "Lucy Meets Superman"!

For the record, besides this episode of her tv series, Lucille Ball has several genre credits including Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back, Blood Money, Five Came Back, and The Dark Corner,
In addition, the studio she owned with Desi Arnaz, Desilu Studios, produced the first two years of the original Star Trek before Paramount Pictures acquired the studio in 1967, forever placing her in the upper echelon of Fantastic Femmes!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sale on Star Trek Classic (Remastered & NEW FX)

Has both the original versions (remastered) and "enhanced" version with new cgi fx!
Plus, free shipping!
If you don't have Blu-Ray (I'm waiting for the player prices to come down.), it's the next best thing.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fantastic Femmes--Nyota Uhura (Past & Present!)

To celebrate the release of the NEW Star Trek movie on home video media, we present the Enterprise's beautiful communications officer, Nyota Uhura
Nichelle Nichols
...and present!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fantastic Femmes--Jasika Nicole

Note: this page has been updated with NEW info  
I'm hooked on JJ Abrams' Fringe!
One of the best-written and acted shows of the past decade.
John Noble as Walter Bishop is an absolute delight to watch in action. Never a dull moment with that guy!
And the season finale with the alternate universe...WOW!
(JJ does have a thing for alternate realities. Think he's gonna tie in Star Trek and LOST into this potential multiverse?)
But there's a mystery even more elusive than ZFT!
Why doesn't Agent Astrid Farnsworth get MORE screen time?
Jasika Nicole is an extremely-talented actress who can easily hold her own on-screen with Noble, Joshua Jackson, or Anna Torv!
C'mon Abrams, give her some time outside the lab!
At least let her shoot somebody! :-)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Batman and...The Green Hornet!

When last we blogged, we commented on the fact that Batman, not Superman, would be the first DC character to interact with Doc Savage.
But, then, Batman was usually the first to meet up with other publishers' characters..
Almost a decade before Superman vs. Spider-Man, Batman met up with another company's character...The Green Hornet!
(Note: Most people disregard this as a legitimate cross-over since it was live-action and not a comic, but, AFAIC, characters are characters, and if it's not a pirate / illegal production, it's REAL and it counts!)

In the two-parter "A Piece of the Action" / "Batman's Satisfaction", The Hornet & Kato visit Gotham City while tracking counterfeit stamps.
Since The Hornet's M.O. is pretending to be a criminal, Batman naturally assumes the Vermilion Villain is there to cut himself in guessed it, a piece of the action!
But, since The Hornet is, in fact, a hero, he has to find a way to a) put the counterfeiters out of business and b) avoid a confrontation with the Caped Crusader!
To add to the problem, it turns out that the characters' millionare alter-egos, Bruce Wayne and Britt Reid, have known each other since childhood, and have been competitors at almost everything from then to now!

It ain't a classic by any stretch, but it is fun, and the Big Finale Fight is more Bat-fistcuffs than Hornet-martial arts, but it does have it's moments.

It also provides the answer to the trivia question:
Who's the ONLY actor to play a villain opposite Batman, Captain Kirk, and The Green Hornet?*
(Most people say Frank Gorshin or Julie Newmar, who had memorable appearances on both Star Trek and Batman!)

If you haven't seen them, the episodes will pop up as both Batman and The Green Hornet are in syndication, and airing in a number of cities.
In one of the Great Crimes Against Art, neither show is available on DVD, but I suspect with the Seth Rogan Green Hornet film coming next year, at least Van Williams & Bruce Lee will finally be made available!

*Roger C. Carmel, who played Harcort Fenton "Harry" Mudd in three Star Trek (2 Classic, 1 Animated) eps and Colonel Gumm in the Batman / Green Hornet crossover on Batman!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fantastic Femmes--Claudia Christian

If you believe in yourself, you're willing to take risks.
Claudia started auditioning for film and tv roles right out of high school, working part-time jobs to pay the bills, but keep herself available.
Within two years she began doing guest-star roles on various tv series and small roles in feature films, as well as landing regular spots on several (unfortunately) short-lived series.
Her breakout role was as kick-ass second-in-command Susan Ivanova on Babylon 5.
Since then, she's expanded her acting to live stage as well as animation voice-over and advertising work. (She's the voice of the Jaguar auto commercials.)
She's now living in London, working on her music and guest-starring on British tv and radio.
Has released four solo albums as well as a group album with fellow Babylon 5 cast members entitled The Be Five.
Rumored to have auditioned for the role of Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Voyager.
Genre appearances include...
Star Hyke (Captain Belinda Blowhard)
Mars Shuttle Murders (Lindmeyer)
Geppetto's Secret (Blue Fairy)
Shrek 2 (Fairy GodMother)
Atlantis: the Lost Empire / Atlantis the Lost Empire: the Video Game / Atlantis the Lost Empire: Search for the Journal
(Lieutenant Helga Katrina Sinclair)
Earth & Beyond (Lady Katherine Isabella Olivia deWinter)
Summoner 2 aka Summoner: A Goddess Reborn
(Sangaril/Logosarch / Rosalind / Dama Heras)
Babylon 5 / Babylon 5: In the Beginning / Babylon 5: ThirdSpace
(Commander Susan Ivanova)
The Hidden (Brenda Lee Van Buren)
Maniac Cop 2 (Susan Riley)
Strays (Claire Lederer)
Arena (Quinn)
Hexed (Hexina)
Dot Man (Lieutenant Colonel Dunst)
Gnome Named Gnorm (Samantha)
Doctor Who "The Reaping" (Janine Foster)
Haunting of Hell House [1999] (Lucy)
Half Past Dead (EZ Williams)
Police Story "Monster Manor"
Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer (Elyse)
Lancelot: Guardian of Time (Katherine Shelley)
Blacke's Magic (Laurie Blacke)
Space Rangers "Death Before Dishonor"
A-Team "Trouble Brewing"
Relic Hunter "All Choked Up"
She Spies "Spy vs Spy"
Highlander "Two of Hearts"
Check out...
Her Official WebSite
Shrine to Claudia Christian (FanSite)
Feature on her departure from Babylon 5

Friday, May 8, 2009

Star Trek is here--Beam me up!

If you're willing to accept Crisis on Infinite Earths and it's aftermath (plus Batman Begins onward and the various other DC-related film / tv series), Ultimate Marvel Universe, "One More Day", and the various Marvel-based films and tv series (Hell, Punisher was rebooted twice!), the Godzilla Heisei and Millenium films, Battlestar Galactica [2003-09],or the Eon James Bond 007 films from Casino Royale [2006] on, then you'll go with this for what it is...a reboot / alternate universe with some interesting twists.

And unlike most of the other film /tv series, this one acknowledges the fact that it's an alternate universe!
(Comics on the other hand, enjoy pointing out when they reboot! Go figure!) ;-)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fantastic Femmes--Nichelle Nichols--Nyota Uhura I

Discovered by jazz great Duke Ellington, Nichelle toured with Duke and Lionel Hampton as their lead singer for several years.
Adding acting to her repitore, she appeared in a number of roles in films and on tv shows including The Lieutenant, produced by Gene Roddenberry, who remembered her when casting his next series...Star Trek!

Her role as Uhura ("Nyota" wasn't added until the 1980s) was ground-breaking in that she wasn't playing a servant or someone's wife / girlfriend / sister, but a fully-qualified officer equal to (or better) than anyone around her!
Due to a large volume of racist hate mail, Nichelle considered quitting during the first season, but Dr. Martin Luther King, jr interceded, convincing her to remain.
Several notables including NASA astronaut Mae Jemison and actress Whoopi Goldberg have directly-attributed their choice of careers to her appearance as Uhura on Star Trek.
On the animated sequel Star Trek [1973-74], besides performing as Uhura, Nichelle provided voices of numerous "guest characters" including Dr. Sarah April, the Enterprise's first Medical Officer and wife of Captain Robert April, the ship's first commander!

Nichelle has kept busy, acting both on-screen and voicing animated characters, releasing several albums of her jazz performances as well as turning to film producing!

During the last season of Star Trek, Nichelle was offered the role of Peggy Fair on Mannix, but turned it down.
In the 1970s and '80s, she was a spokesperson for NASA and aided in recruiting female and minority astronaut candidates.
Nichelle is one of the people Robert Heinlein dedicated the novel Friday to.
She's penned two books: a sci-fi novel; Saturn's Child (co-written with Mary Wander Bonanno), and an autobiography; Beyond Uhura.
Genre appearances include...
Lady Magdaline's (Lady Magdaline aka Maggie)
Heroes (Nana Dawson)
"Where No Fan Has Gone Before" (as her head in a jar)
"Anthology of Interest I" (as herself)
Simpsons "Simple Simpson" (as herself)
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command "Yukari Imprint" (Chief)
G vs E aka Good vs Evil (Henry's Mother)
Spider-Man [1997] (Miriam the Vampire Queen)
Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space (Sagan, High Priestess of Pangea)
Inside Space (Host)
[A Science FACT series on the Sci-Fi Channel, so it qualifies IMHO]
Batman: the Animated Series (Thoth Khepera)
ABC Weekend Specials "Commander Toad in Space" (SS Stella)
Gargoyles (Diane Maza)
Supenaturals (Sgt. Leona Hawkins)
Star Trek [1966-69] / Star Trek [1973-74] /
Star Trek: the Motion Picture /
Star Trek II: the Wrath of Khan /
Star Trek III: the Search for Spock /
Star Trek IV: the Voyage Home /
Star Trek V: the Final Frontier /
Star Trek VI: the Undiscovered Country
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary [VG]
Star Trek: Judgement Rites [VG]
(Lieutenant [later Commander] Nyota Uhura)
Tarzan [1966-68] (Ruana)

Check out... (Nichelle's Official Site)
Nichelle Nichols (FanSite)
Other actresses to play Nyota Uhura include...
Zoe Saldana in Star Trek [2009]

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Star Trek--The Second Coming!

The trend of "rebooting" already-existing sci-fi / fantasy franchises continues...
Some have been successful (Smallville, Battlestar Galactica, Batman, James Bond).
Some have been abject failures (Flash Gordon).
Some never got past the tv pilot stages (Lone Ranger, Lost in Space, Time Tunnel.)
(Note: Neither Doctor Who nor Superman Returns are reboots!
Dr Who is a continuation of the old series and Superman Returns was a sequel to Superman II, ignoring III & IV, and probably Supergirl.)
Jury's out on Star Trek, until I see it...
Interesting to note Nyota Uhura is given the third slot normally-allocated to McCoy. Hopefully, she'll have more to do than just "opening hailing frequencies"...
(We'll be covering Nyota Uhuras past and present in upcoming Fantastic Femmes entries!)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Batman Meets the Shadow...sort of!

There have been numerous examples of actors who previously played heroes appearing on superhero or sci-fi shows as other unrelated characters.

(This does not count actors meeting their later counterparts like Buster Crabbe on Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Christopher Reeve and Helen Slater on Smallville, or Adam West on Batman the Animated Series!)

The Lone Ranger meets Commando Cody!
Clayton Moore (The Lone Ranger on The Lone Ranger tv series) played the lead villainous henchman in Radar Men from the Moon!

Batman meets Superman
Robert Lowry (Batman in the Batman & Robin serial) appearing as a government agent on Adventures of Superman!

The Shadow meets The Green Hornet
Victor Jory (The Shadow in The Shadow serial) playing a villain on The Green Hornet [1966]!

Captain Midnight meets Captain Kirk
Richard Webb (Captain Midnight on the Captain Midnight tv series) as a psycho Starfleet officer on Star Trek!

Doc Savage / Tarzan meets Superboy
Ron Ely (Doc Savage in Doc Savage: the Man of Bronze & Tarzan on Tarzan [1966-69]) portraying the retired Golden Age Superman on Adventures of Superboy!

James Bond meets Superboy
George Lazenby (James Bond in On Her Majesty's Secret Service) as Jor-El in Adventures of Superboy.

But, tonite, for the first time, we witnessed the meeting of two actors who played heroes, and neither was a heroic character!

Adam West (Batman on Batman [1966]) met Alec Baldwin (The Shadow in The Shadow [1995]) on 30 Rock!

Well, I thought it was cool...