Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Before Trump's Space Force... PERIMETER PATROL SERVICE "City of Light"

 Much of early pulp/comic sci-fi utilized military or police organizations in their stories...
...including this tale from Ziff-Davis' Amazing Adventures #6 (1952) which featured members of the "Perimeter Patrol Service" in their second (and last) appearance!
Perhaps Don da Con was remembering a tale like this one when he "brainstormed" Space Force!
Though the writer is unknown, the art is attributed to Henry Sharp, who moved to comics from pulp magazines in 1951 and from comics to television in 1955.
You'll see the Perimeter Patrol Service's second appearance next Tuesday!
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Monday, September 7, 2020

Holiday Reading Room EVERY DAY IS A HOLLY DAY "Labor Day"

Our anti-Union/pro-"Right to Work" President...
...wouldn't have unions at all, if he could somehow sing it!
Why is this 1955 comic entitled "Every Day's a Holly Day" instead of "Every Day's a Holiday"?
Because it was given away to kids by grocers who sold Holly Sugar!
Illustrated by John Rosenberger, it's a unique pamphlet covering a number of American holidays, including both Lincoln and Washington's Birthdays (before they were combined into "Presidents' Day" in 1962), Mothers' Day (though not Fathers' Day), Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and a couple of holidays we've largely abandoned...Pan-American Day and American Indian Day!
We'll be presenting the other chapters on the dates they fall upon.
Watch for them!
(BTW, Monday Madness will return next week...)
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Sunday, September 6, 2020

A Halloween Treat (No Trick!)...Horror Comics of the 1950s!

Since brick-and-mortar stores are already selling Halloween stuff, we now offer the following...
Before videogames came along, comics, tv, and movies were said to be the contributing factors to...(gasp)...JUVENILE DELINQUENCY!
Noted psychiatrist Dr Fredric Wertham SAID SO in his classic book Seduction of the Innocent!
I say...CELEBRATE the stuff your grandparents said would warp your parents' minds!
After all, they turned out OK, didn't they?
Didn't they?
Oh, well...
What could be more appropriate for Halloween than the frightening images of Horror Comics of the 1950s™ on tote bags, t-shirts, mini-buttons,and other ghoulish goodies?
Are you ready to be scared?
Click HERE...if you dare!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Reading Room ADVENTURES INTO THE UNKNOWN "Man in the Mirror"

I've worked on-and-off in the comics industry since 1982...
...and I've never experienced a situation like this guy goes through!
(I've never seen anyone wear a suit jacket at their desk, either. But that's another story...)
This reflective story ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #9 (1950) was probably written by editor Richard Hughes and was illustrated by pulp artist Robert S Pious, who worked on-and-off in comics from 1940 to 1955 before moving into book publishing and later, fine arts.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Friday Fun YAK YAK "How to Win Friends"

Sometimes, we need to get away from current events...
...and just enjoy a good laugh, courtesy of legendary writer/artist Jack Davis!
From Dell's Four-Color Comics #1186 (1961)
Dell gave MAD mainstay Jack Davis his own title in the Four Color Comics series, to do with as he pleased.
The series, Yak Yak (subtitled "A Pathology of Humor") only ran two issues, but they were pure Davis, who wrote, penciled, inked, and colored the whole project as well as providing painted covers for both issues!
It's never been reprinted, except for excerpts here and there.
Hopefully, somebody will do so in the near future...
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