Showing posts with label election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label election. Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Donald Trump = George Wallace?

When your own fans compare you to George Wallace... a retired welder at the Trump rally in Alabama did...
"Donald Trump is telling the truth and people don't always like that," said Donald Kidd, a 73-year-old retired pipe welder from Mobile.
"He is like George Wallace, he told the truth. It is the same thing." know Trump's hitting the target demographic he wants.
Nativist, reactionary, undereducated.
Wallace was so proud of his racist attitudes that he had them included in a comic book produced in 1960 during his election campaign!
These pages are excerpts of the 16-page comic considered instrumental in Wallace's victory in 1960.
You can see the complete comic HERE.
You'll note an emphasis on "states' rights" of the sort Tea Partiers advocate as well as the paranoid fear that the Feds wanted to "take over" Alabama.
BTW, In his inaugural speech after winning the race, Wallace promised "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
Note: Ironically, Wallace was a Democrat.
However, Federally-forced desegregation as well as the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 caused many racist Democrats to switch to the Republican Party (which began catering to the right-wing audience with the "Southern Strategy") or, as in the case of Wallace, joining the newly-created American Independent Party.
In the late 1970s, Wallace became a born-again Christian and recanted his racist attitudes.
But I don't think the 1970s Wallace was the one Donald Kidd was referring to...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Here's a handy basic guide...
...published by Harvey Comics in 1952 (60 years ago)!
Amazing how it's both generic and pertinent decades later!
Note: You can see the color cover from this HTF comic book HERE!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Alex Ross + Barack Obama = SuperHoodie!

Take super-star artist Alex Ross!
Add super-President Barack Obama!
Put the image on a wearable item!
What do you get?
Officially, it's called Obama: Time for a Change.
Out of print for awhile, it's available once more from Graphitti Designs in a variety of styles, including the coolest (and only) Presidential campaign black hoodie!
(Ya don't see Mitt Romney doing one of these, do you?)
Buy It! NOW!
'Nuff said.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Christine O'Donnell--Which Witch was Which?

When a clip from Bill Maher's old series Politically Incorrect surfaced showing Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell's admission that she "dabbled into witchcraft"... positively inspired me to do a campaign poster for her targeting an audience sadly neglected by the Tea Party up to now!
I've even given it it's own shop HERE, filled with t-shirts, mugs, magnets, messenger bags, and other collectible goodies just perfect for upcoming rallies!
PLUS: I did an extra-large version as seen HERE...
...for those times when you REALLY want to get your point across!
No need to thank me!