Showing posts with label dynamite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dynamite. Show all posts

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Flash Gordon #8 Cover Preview

There's no Flash Gordon like a "classic" Flash Gordon.
Have you noticed that all the attempts to "update" the character modify him so much as to be unrecognizable?
(Remember the Smallville-ized Sci-Fi, er, SyFy version? YUK!)
Thankfully, Dynamite's current series goes back to the basics, combining the best of Alex Raymond's (and successor Mac Raboy's) original strips with the movie serials, 1980 feature film, Filmation tv series, and Al Williamson's contributions in the '60s and '80s, to make a kool pastiche almost on the level of the Dini-Timm-McDuffie DC Animated universe.
Top it off with superb covers like this one for #8 by Francesco Francavilla, and it's a must-have package for high-adventure fans of all ages.
Sadly, this is Francisco's final Flash for the foreseeable future. (Say that five times fast!)
But, considering he's doing covers for The Shadow, The Spider, and other classic genre characters, I think I'll still be getting a hefty dose of Francavilla art every month!
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Sunday, March 18, 2012

John Carter & Gullivar Jones...TOGETHER..sorta!

Though they worked together in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol 2...
...a new mini-series, Warriors of Mars, pits John Carter and his predecessor on Mars, Gullivar Jones, against each other (at least initially)!
The two end up working together (and sharing the same tailor)... the mini-series attempts to combine the two different versions of Mars into one coherent world!
Will they succeed?
I'll tell you after #5.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Flash Gordon #7 Cover Preview

There's no Flash Gordon like a "classic" Flash Gordon.
 Have you noticed that all the attempts to "update" the character modify him so much as to be unrecognizable?
(Remember the Smallville-ized Sci-Fi, er, SyFy version? YUK!)
Thankfully, Dynamite's current series goes back to the basics, combining the best of Alex Raymond's (and successor Mac Raboy's) original strips with the movie serials, 1980 feature film, Filmation tv series, and Al Williamson's contributions in the '60s and '80s, to make a kool pastiche almost on the level of the Dini-Timm-McDuffie DC Animated universe.
Top it off with superb covers like this one for #7 by Francesco Francavilla, and it's a must-have package for high-adventure fans of all ages.
Support Small Business

Monday, February 13, 2012

Preview: THE SHADOW #1 Alternate Cover by Francesco Francavilla

Who Knows What Evil...?
Francesco Francavilla does, as this alternate cover from #1 of Dynamite's new Shadow comic book shows!
Check out his blog entry about it HERE!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Flash Gordon #6 Cover Preview

There's no Flash Gordon like a "classic" Flash Gordon.
Have you ever noticed that all the attempts to "update" the character modify hm so much as to be unrecognizable?
(Remember the Smallville-ized Sci-Fi, er, SyFy version?)
Thankfully, Dynamite's current series goes back to the basics, combining the best of Alex Raymond's original with the movie serial, feature film, and Filmation tv series to make a kool pastiche almost on the level of the Dini-Timm-McDuffie DC Animated universe.
Top it off with superb covers like this one for #6 by Francesco Francavilla, and it's a must-have package for high-adventure fans of all ages.
Support Small Business

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Flash Gordon Double Feature!

Click on the art to enlarge
Absolutely magnificent covers of issues #2 (below) and #3 (above) for the new Flash Gordon comic from Dynamite by Francesco Francavilla.
Nice to see the comic also utilizing a rather obvious connection between Ming and the Nazis.
(You didn't think Hitler & company developed advanced tech like rockets and jets without help, did you?  ;-)  )

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cover Preview: Dark Shadows #4

One last Halloween treat (no trick)...
...the moody cover for Dark Shadows #4, one of our favorite artists, Francesco Francavilla!
 (and the first issue comes out tomorrow! Pick it up!)

Btw, there was a series of Gold Key Comics, published from 1969-1976, and currently being reprinted in collected editions by Hermes Press...
Innovation Comics published a comic series based on the short-lived prime-time revival of the show in the early 1990s, some of which we re-presented on our blog, True Love Comics Tales™ here and here.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dark Shadows: the NEW Comic about the 1960s TV series!

With a NEW movie version starring Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins coming..
Click on the art to enlarge
...what better time to do a new comic book about Dark Shadows?
But, not the new movie version...they're doing the original 1960s tv series!
And who better to do the covers than one of our favorite Gothic-style artists, Francesco Francavilla?
TV’s original reluctant vampire, Barnabas Collins, laboring under his vampiric curse and haunted by dreams of his age-old lover and nemesis, Angelique, is one of the small screen’s most original horror creations.
The stories for the new comic book series pick up right where the narrative of the original ABC soaper left off in 1971, using the likenesses of the original actors.

There was a series of Gold Key Comics, published from 1969-1976, which is currently being reprinted in collected editions by Hermes Press...
Innovation Comics published a comic series based on the short-lived prime-time revival of the show in the early 1990s, some of which we will be re-presenting in October on our blog, True Love Comics Tales™.
The new series from Dynamite will be available in October!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Welcome Back, Flash Gordon! We Missed You!

Besides doing the alternate covers for each issue of the new Flash Gordon comic from Dynamite, Francesco Francavilla is also doing a wraparound cover inspired by the work of Al Williamson for the first issue.
If that's not enough to make you put this on your pull-list...
The year is 1934, a time of two-fisted swashbuckling, of fearsome threats and wild adventure -- and of ever-growing threats on the horizon. Three valiant humans -- Flash Gordon, Dale Arden and Dr. Hans Zarkov -- are plucked from the Earth, traveling to the distant planet Mongo. Their exploits are legendary, battling the machinations and terror schemes of the dreaded emperor Ming the Merciless, the All-Seeing Ruler of Mongo. But they did not fight alone...
And, it's only 32 pages for $1!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Flash! Ah-Ahhh...!

Dynamite Entertainment, who recently snagged The Shadow, has grabbed another classic...
The initial 6-issue story arc will be an adaptation of the first two years of the original Alex Raymond comic strip.
Alex Ross plotted the series, handled character designs, and will contribute covers.
Erik Trautmann is scripting and Daniel Lindro is illustrating the series.
Francesco Francavilla will be doing alternate covers.
Overall, I'm interested, but Lindro may be a little too dark an artist for a bright action-adventure series.
But it couldn't be any worse than the recent manga-influenced Flash series from Ardden.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men? Alex Ross!

Yep, that's The Shadow, as rendered by Alex Ross.
Dynamite Entertainment, who've already done successful revivals of The Green Hornet (despite the awful movie), Lone Ranger, Zorro, and the various Golden Age heroes of Project SuperPowers, now has the rights to the Man with the Power to Cloud Men's Minds!
If they do half as good a job as they've done with the characters listed above, I'll be a dedicated buying customer!
And, now a word from our sponsor (us)...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Green Hornet Movie Sequel Comic..."Aftermath"

Dynamite had added another title to their extensive Green Hornet line...Green Hornet: Aftermath,  a sequel to the Seth Rogan / Jay Chou movie which features both the movie's personnel and characters from the movie prequel comic Green Hornet: Parallel Lives.
Jai Nitz and Nigel Raynor will continue writing and illustrating duties from Parallel Lives.
Oddly, there's no comic adaptation of the movie itself!
And, I'm a bit perturbed by Nitz's comment that "...Green Hornet comics either stunk or didn't exist for a long time..."
He obviously didn't read the NOW Comics run, which was as good, or (more often) better than his work. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Great One is Coming...Back!

For those of us old enough to remember 1970, this promo produced geekgasms.
In 2011, this art... almost as exciting!
Read why HERE!

The only thing that would make it even better is if The King himself were still here...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Preview Cover; Green Hornet: Year One #12

The cover art  to Green Hornet: Year One #12 by Francesco Francavilla.
Part of the Green Hornet: Year One line of comics by Dynamite Comics.
Easily the best GH titles from Dynamite out there.
These are based on the 1940s movie serial / radio / comic book version of the character. BUY THEM!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Preview Cover; Kato: Origins #11

The cover art to Kato: Origins #11 by Francesco Francavilla.
Part of the Green Hornet: Year One line of comics by Dynamite Comics.
Easily the best GH titles from Dynamite out there.
These are based on the 1940s movie serial / radio / comic book version of the character. BUY THEM!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Preview: KATO: Origins #7 Cover

Moody cover by Francesco Francavilla for #7 of the companion comic mini-series to Green Hornet: Year One, detailing the 1940s origins of The Green Hornet & Kato.Of all the Green Hornet series from Dynamite, these two are easily the best!