Showing posts with label dvd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dvd. Show all posts

Monday, February 8, 2010

Return of the WolfMan...

In anticipation of a screening this Tuesday of the new WolfMan film, I spent Super Bowl Sunday reviewing the previous Universal flix in the Wolf Man Legacy (note, it's two words, not one as in the new film) box set issued in 2004. (BTW, congrats to the New Orleans Saints!)

While it does emphasize the then-current Van Helsing film (and it's werewolf) in the extras, the set includes the only solo film (The Wolf Man) featuring Larry Talbot (all the others were "team-ups" with other Universal monsters), Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (the first of the monster "team-ups" and not included in the Frankenstein Legacy set), WereWolf of London (featuring a different werewolf and origin), and She-Wolf of London, which is more Cat People than Wolf Man.
A new documentary, Monster by Moonlight, covers the history of Universal's various werewolves, including Talbot.
Considering reports that the new film adapts elements of not only both Wolf Man and WereWolf of London, but Hammer's Curse of the WereWolf (ironically, distributed in the U.S. by Universal) as well, I'd suggest catching all three before you see the new one to contrast and compare!
(I'll be watching Curse on Monday night...)

It's been fun immersing myself in Universal's werewolf lore once more.
Did you know that the Wolf Man is the only Universal monster to by played by the same actor in every appearance (even when meeting Abbott & Costello!)?
I hadn't seen all these films together since the Film Forum's summer Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Horror festivals! (I used to arrange my vacation days from work to do all-day shows and party with my friends!)

Happy Hunting!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Give DILLINGER for Christmas--or else!

Few criminals have been fodder for dramatization more than John Dillinger!
Many noted actors including Martin Sheen, Mark Harmon, Warren Oates, Robert Conrad, Nick Adams, Ralph Meeker, and Lawrence Tierney have portrayed the notorious gangster in tv and films! Dillinger even appeared in episodes of Lois & Clark: the New Adventures of Superman and NightMan!
The recent biopic, Public Enemies, starring Johnny Depp, has just been released on DVD and Blu-Ray.
There are numerous novels and historical texts about and including him!
He's even been the star of his own comic book!

Atomic Kommie Comics™ proudly offers not one, not two, but six different Dillinger designs on various kool kollectibles!
classic movie posters, a classic "teaser" logo (see above) and two Golden Age comic covers!

Why not combine one of our Dillinger items (including mugs, hoodies, and messenger bags) from Real-Life Criminals, with a copy of the Public Enemies DVD or Blu-Ray to make a dynamic Dillinger gift set for Christmas?
The Dillinger or Depp (or both) fan in your life will thank you for it!

PLUS: A FREE Christmas bonus from us to you: From Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine (an incredible blog! Subscribe to it NOW!), here's "The True Story of John Dillinger"!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Doctor Who--Five Doctors Special Edition

I've had a VHS of the 90-minute special Doctor Who "The Five Doctors" for over a decade and I've played it a number of times both for friends at get-togethers and myself, when I got the urge.
(FYI, my favorite Doctor of all time is Jon Pertwee (Doctor 3) who plays a key role in the special.)
I've just acquired a slew of used Doctor Who dvds, both Region 1 (US) and Region 2 (UK) including the one shown above, the first Region 2 release of the "Five Doctors" Special Edition (with enhanced sfx, missing scenes, etc.)
I'm going to sit down this weekend and compare it with the "original" VHS version, then let you know how it goes...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

MiddleMan...the FINAL Episode!

One of the highlights of the San Diego Comic Con was a "table reading" by the cast (including Natalie Morales) & crew of the script for the unproduced final episode of the TV series MiddleMan.
The ep, "The Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse" was adapted into a graphic novel (on sale now), but the reading was from the tv show's script, which was slightly different.
(and, while seeing an illustrated Wendy Watson in a Slave Princess Leia costume was cool (see above). the fact we'll never see Natalie in that costume is a bit of a bummer)

BTW, the DVD of the 12 produced episodes goes on sale today! Rush out and buy it...NOW! PLUS...Check out The MiddleBlog by the creator of the comic and the tv series.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Torchwood: Children of Earth & Discount DVDs

I've been enjoying Torchwood (the series) since their initial airing on BBCAmerica, and following the basic concept of Torchwood since the group's introduction on Doctor Who. (IMHO, turning Torchwood down was the stupidest thing SyFy ever did! Calling themselves "SyFy" was the second stupidest, but I digress...)
The idea of a secret, Brit-centric, counterpoint to the rather public UNIT (United Nations International TaskForce) appealed to me, and Torchwood's rise, fall, and resurrection, made for an interesting ongoing plotline within Dr Who.
When the surviving Torchwood unit got it's own series, incorporating another Dr Who character, Captain Jack Harkness, I figured, give it a shot; it'll at least be as entertaining as the other spinoff, Sarah Jane Adventures (which, though juvenile, is rather fun)...
Torchwood took the opposite tack, practically turning into "Lust in Space" and coming close to being the first R-rated sci-fi tv series!
It also became the breakout hit BBCAmerica hoped HEX and Footballer's Wives would be, as well as one of my not-so-guilty pleasures!

I'd been looking forward to the new mini-season and, despite obvious plot elements of Midwich Cuckoos and various Quatermass series running throughout Children of Earth, I'm really enjoying the mini-series due to the fast-paced plotting and well-done character development.
Catch the remaining four nights thru Friday. It's not like there's much else on...

In addition, if you want to buy the previous two seasons, Costco has the season box sets for only $44.99 each!
I picked them up a week ago and did a marathon this past weekend, watching select eps with commentary and watching all the special features.