Showing posts with label comic books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comic books. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder AGAR-AGAR "Harem of Bacchus"

...well that's really all you need to know about the plot...such as it is!
Rescued by a handsome centaur!
Considering the fascination some women have for horses...nope!
I'm going to stop before I get in trouble...
This story from New England Library's Dracula #6 (1971) was written by Luis Gasca under the pen-name Sadko  and illustrated in a Peter Max-esque style by Alberto Solsona.
It's the last of three that were published in the 1972 Warren trade paperback (also called Dracula) that reprinted the first six issues of this bi-weekly British magazine.
The remaining stories have been unseen by American audiences, but will be posted here weekly until all have been re-presented!
It'll be a groovy trip, baby!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Reading Room WEIRD MYSTERIES "Spirits from Outer Space!"

An astronaut returns from space and doesn't act like himself...
...yeah, it's a bit of a cliche, but this tale from Key's Weird Mysteries #1 (1952), has a surprise gimmick to defeat the baddies!

Illustrated by Walter Palais (brother of better-known Golden Age artist Rudy Palais) and Mike Esposito, this "possession by aliens" tale manages to present a variation of the old story with the fact that literally ANY pain causes the parasite to flee.

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Monday, November 13, 2023

Monday Madness RACE FOR THE MOON "Asylum"

Twilight Zone-style story from Race for the Moon #1, illustrated (and possibly written) by Bob Powell!

With the world the way it is now, perhaps we should rename our planet from "Earth" to "Asylum"!

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Friday, November 10, 2023

Friday Fun SANTA CLAUS FUNNIES "Santa in Wonderland" Part 1

Now HERE'S a crossover team-up you never thought you'd see... Santa Claus meets Lewis Carroll's Alice and travels to Wonderland!
What does Santa find?
You'll have to come back next Friday to find out!
Though the scripter is unknown, the art for this never-reprinted tale from Dell's Santa Claus Funnies #2 (1943) was by George Kerr, who was the primary artist for the comic book tales of Raggedy Ann and Andy and Andy Panda!
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics This Christmas!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder AGAR-AGAR "Village in the Sea"

...we return to the psychedelic universe of an alien woman named after a plant food!
That's heavy, man.
Pollution is, like, universal, man.
But, like, the Magic of Love can defeat it...
This story from New England Library's Dracula #2 (1971) was written by Luis Gasca under the pen-name Sadko  and illustrated in a Peter Max-esque style by Alberto Solsona.
It's the second of three that were published in the Warren trade paperback that reprinted the first six issues of this British magazine.
The remaining three stories have been unseen by American audiences, but will be posted here starting two weeks from today.
It'll be a groovy trip, baby!

Monday, November 6, 2023

Monday Madness BLACK CAT MYSTERY "Colorama"...Before and After the Comics Code!

One of the most notorious stories in 1950s comics went thru some changes...
Art by Howard Nostrand
 ...when it was reprinted after the Comics Code Authority came into existence!
Actually, the theory that "Black" has all the colors together is true only in printing!
It's called "subtractive color", and when you combine all the inks in four-color printing (CYANMAGENTA, and YELLOW) as solid colors, they DO produce a BLACK effect on the printed page!
However, the effect that light produces when it's reflected from objects around you (or generated from a tv or computer screen) is called "additive color" and when all the colors are added together, they produce WHITE!
But, at the point where this story appeared in Black Cat Mystery #45 (1953), there were no computer screens and what little commercial tv existed was almost totally b/w!

When the story was reprinted in Black Cat Mystery #61 (1958), the Comics Code insisted on some alterations, beginning with the cover...
Art by Bob Powell from Page 1 with additional art by Howard Nostrand
...adapted from the first panel on Page 1, but featuring a character not seen in the story itself, and with the protagonist shown in the rear-view mirror wearing glasses he doesn't wear until the end of the story!
Quite frankly, there's nothing too gross or disgusting about the original cover, so why it wasn't used is unknown...
Page 1 in the reprint is unaltered.
Page 2 has only one minor change; the policeman's less-snarling expression in Panel 5...
There are no changes on Page 3
Page 4, on the other hand, has a major change...the optometrist survives!
And the final page is unchanged.
Script and art are by Golden Age great Bob Powell.
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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder AGAR-AGAR "Rendezvous with Aquarius"

As the world turns prematurely-dark with snow on Halloween...
...we're going to provide a neon/black lite psychedelic saga that'll run every Wednesday from now until Christmas!
♪"This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius...Age of Aquarius..."♫
Oops, sorry, got carried away there for a second.
This trippy mini-series had eight installments, each one weirder than the previous.
Agar-Agar "got physical" (in a PG-13 way) with a variety of life-forms including centaurs, super-heroes, and a human or two.
Illustrated in a Peter Max-esque style by Alberto Solsona.

Written by Luis Gasca under the pen-name "Sadko" and published in England as part of Dracula (1971), a 12-issue partworks by New English Library, the first 3 tales made their American debut in Warren Publishing's Dracula trade paperback which reprinted #1-#6 of the British Dracula's run in 1973.
You'll see those tales, plus the rest of the series, including the five stories that have never been seen by American readers!
It'll be a groovy trip, baby!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Reading Room EERIE "Dracula" Part 4

Dracula has made Lucy Seward a vampire!
Dr Van Helsing arrives, too late to save the poor girl, but not too late to send her tormented soul to the afterlife by staking her thru the heart.
Now, his attention turns to her master...Count Dracula!
Though there were a number of Frankenstein tales in the Golden Age, including Dick Briefer's horror series, there were only a couple of appearances by our favorite vampire (usually a cameo) before this story in 1953!
The trend continued until the late 1960s when Dracula became a supporting character in the b/w Vampirella magazine.
In 1972, when the Comics Code was revised to allow vampires and other "traditional" monsters, the Count reappeared not only in short stories, but a long-running series from Marvel highlighted by moody art by Gene Colan.
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