Showing posts with label Lost World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lost World. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "Atomic Secrets"

Reunited with Bruce, the VoltaMan with an implanted human's brain...

...Hunt Bowman and Lyssa continue their crusade against the alien conquerors of Earth as they establish communications with others...
Hey, Hunt...Bruce, who was put in suspended animation before the Volta invasion, could probably have figured it out!
Ah, well...too late, since we won't see Bruce again!
And more changes are coming to The Lost World...
Next Wednesday!

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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "If the Past Be Not Dead..."

When Last We Left Our Heroes...

Even as Hunt demonstrates why he's considered the biggest party poop on several worlds, fate is about to reunite Lyssa and him with an ally believed lost...
You'll note the Volta spaceship captain was the first to abandon ship!
How did these guys manage to conquer most of the known universe with cowards like these in command?
Bruce, the defrosted man from the past whose brain was put in a VoltaMan's body when his own was mortally-wounded (as seen HERE), returns with nary a footnote.
Did the creatives feel all the readers were familiar enough with the strip that they didn't need to explain a character last seen more than six issues ago?
We're running this strip weekly, not monthly, and even I barely remember him!
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Next Wednesday!

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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "Fake News!"

Is Don da Con...a VoltaMan?
Could they be referring to themselves?
Did writer "Thorncliff Herrick" and artist Lily Renee know something in the 1940s that the rest of us didn't?
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Next Wednesday!

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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "The Revolution Will be Televised!"

The battle against the invading VoltaMen continues as we finally see some of the other races the evil aliens have enslaved...
Decades before Don da Con, "Fake News" was a thing!
Note that we not only see a third race of Venusians, but finally meet Martians, Jupiterians, Saturnians, and others whom the VoltaMen have defeated and enslaved!
Will the rebellion spread beyond Earth?
Watch and see...

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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "For Sale...One Planet, Used!"

The Lost World Holds Many Mysteries...
...such as why the Venusians in this story are nothing like the ones seen several months shown HERE!
Minor note: the Asteroid Belt is between Mars and Jupiter, so how could the Venusians claim it belongs to them?
I'm beginning to wonder if "Thorncliffe Herrick" passed high school science!
As mentioned earlier, the Venusians' previous visit to Earth showed them to be vastly-different in appearance as well as enemies of the VoltaMen!

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Next Wednesday!
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