Showing posts with label Pacific Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pacific Comics. Show all posts

Monday, March 15, 2021

Monday Mars Madness VANGUARD ILLUSTRATED "Be It What It Will, I'll Go To It Laughing"

A story's title based on a lesser-known line from Moby-Dick becomes appropriate...
...when you reach the last page of the story!
If you don't get the reference, Ray Bradbury penned the screenplay for the 1956 Moby Dick movie.
Written by David Campiti and illustrated by Tom Yeates, this never-reprinted story from Pacific Comics' Vanguard Illustrated #3 (1984) is a sincere tribute to Bradbury and other SF creators, though overwritten and a bit too "self-fanservice" for my taste.
The underappreciated Tom Yeates' superb artwork compensates for that, and makes reading it worthwhile.
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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Trump Reading Room ALIEN WORLDS "Ride the Blue Bus"

Was this the future Don the Con had in mind for us?
Thanks to him, we were edging ever closer and closer to it.
But next week, we reverse course...
This never-reprinted post-apocalyptic tale by writer Bruce Jones and artist George Perez from Pacific's Alien Worlds #7 (1984) has an odd quirk.
Both Toby's friend, Juke, and the unnamed bus driver are illustrated as black/ethnic.
Yet neither is colored differently than the blond/blue-eyed Toby!
Was this deliberate?
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Saturday, July 7, 2018


Here's a tangled tale of time... an alien plant's examination of a captive humanoid takes a lot longer than you might think!
Pacific Comics' one-shot Ravens & Rainbows (1983) was a compilation of Jeffrey Jones' fanzine work from the 1970s, most of it in color for the first time!
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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Reading Room ALIEN WORLDS "G•A•M•E•W•A•R•S"

It's said you can tell a comic story is well-crafted...
...if it makes sense without captions and dialogue!
I'd say this never-reprinted tale from Pacific's Alien Worlds #5 (1983) fulfills that criteria, eh?
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Understanding Comics
by Scott McCloud

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Reading Room BOLD ADVENTURE "Time Force" Conclusion

...a group of superhumans, scientifically-created to be protectors of the weak and helpless throughout the universe, are being slaughtered, out-by-one.
Their killer was Baal, a member of their group, driven mad with a lust for power over all sentient beings.
Now, he has discovered the location of the last of his brethren...
And that's how this tale ends!
No "next issue" blurb!
No "To Be Continued!"
Between this and the other two stories in Pacific's Bold Adventure #1 (1983), I wasn't sure if there would even be a second issue, much less a continuation of this tale.
Pacific wasn't the most reliable publisher, sometimes taking a year between issues!
But, eventually, a second issue came out (five months later).
We'll bring you that one soon...
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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Reading Room BOLD ADVENTURE "Time Force" Part 1

This never-reprinted series is easily one of the weirdest ones I've ever seen...
...with a concept that seems almost at odds with the story the spectacular art is telling!
To be continued...
There's lots of pseudo-biblical references (including a scientific Creation/Genesis, a fallen angel/guardian, and a potential Savior.
The antagonist, Baal, considers himself a deity, yet needs technology to achieve his ends.
The creators of Baal and the protaganists are clearly not the creators of the universe themselves, nor have they the power to control the sentient beings which inhabit it!
Co-creators writer/editor Bill DuBay and artist Rudy Nebres are telling an interesting tale in Pacific's Bold Adventure #1 (1983).
But, to my mind it's almost a textbook example of why writers shouldn't edit themselves!
Let's see where it goes....
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Art of Rudy D Nebres

Friday, July 1, 2016

Reading Room CLIFF HANGER "Chapter Six: Blazing End"

...It's the big finale!
All will be explained as we go!
Get your popcorn and soda and ride along...
Don't ya love a happy ending?
Writer Bruce Jones and artist Al Williamson end their tribute to 1930s-50s movie serials in Eclipse's Somerset Holmes #6 (1984) in grand style with the hero getting the girl, the villain's base destroyed (with the chance the villain might have escaped), and the possibility of a sequel, which unfortunately, never appeared!