Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder FROST & FIRE Part 2

A boy (Sim) is born on a planet where humans were shipwrecked long ago.
The extreme environmental conditions have sped humans' metabolisms over time, causing them to age rapidly--living from birth to death by old age in 8 days.
Sim learns, even as a baby, seemingly by mental osmosis, picking up fragments of knowledge from his parents' minds.
With freezing nights and burning days, there's only a small window of time each day during which they can be outside...

To Be Continued

Officially-titled DC's Science Fiction Graphic Novel #3Frost & Fire (1985), this was part of DC Comics' second attempt at an ongoing series of graphic adaptations, this time of existing material from noted sci-fi/fantasy authors.
(The first series featured original concepts and stories by comic creatives including Jack Kirby, Howard Chaykin, and Alex Nino.)
Both series ran for seven issues.
Except for Jack Kirby's The Hunger Dogs, which concluded the original New Gods series, none of the stories has ever been reprinted!
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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Easter Reading Room EASTER WITH MOTHER GOOSE "Buddy Bunny's Problem"

Here's a kool short story by Walt (Pogo) Kelly...
...about the Easter Bunny bringing his son into the family business!
This story from Dell's Four Color Comics #103: Easter with Mother Goose (1946) was written and illustrated by Walt Kelly, whose signature series Pogo wouldn't debut for another three years.
While Pogo as a stand-alone series began in 1949, various characters, including Pogo himself and Albert the Alligator had appeared as supporting characters in other Walt Kelly-written and illustrated strips since 1941!

Monday, March 10, 2025

Monday Madness STOP PROJECT 2025 "Authoritarianism"

Today, We Look at How Don da Con Follows Project 2025's instructions...

...told in the visual style of the beloved 1970s animated series Schoolhouse Rock!

Sadly, since there aren't any credits assigned to individual chapters, we don't know who did this superb piece inspired by Schoohouse Rock's "Im Just a Bill"
 segment, shown below...

More Next Monday!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

What Was "Stop Project 2025: the Comic Book"? And Why It Still Matters!

It was a noble effort to try to warn the public before Election Day, 2024... presenting the insidious Reich-Wing Project 2025, with over 900 pages of text into a graphic presentation broken down into 2-to-6 page categories ranging from Abortion to Taxes to War on the Working Class!
The assortment of talent was quite impressive...ranging from established writers and artists to up-and-comers with only a few professional credits so far!
Karim Ahmad
Ho Che Anderson
Alejandro Arbona
Brandt & Stein
Zander Cannon
Valentine De Landro
Kieron Dwyer
Jerel Dye
Cheryl Lynn Eaton
Ben Fisher 
Matt Fraction 
Gene Ha 
Cully Hamner 
Mike Henderson 
Jay Hosler 
Shawn Lee 
Steve Lieber 
Laurenn McCubbin
Ibrahim Moustafa 
Evan Narcisse 
Jim Ottaviani 
Greg Pak 
Jeff Parker 
Joe Phillips 
Tobias Queck 
Greg Rucka 
Mark Russell 
Chris Ryall 
Sara Ryan 
Jennifer Smith 
Lilah Sturges 
Zoe Tunnell 
Jen Van Meter
Rick Veitch 
Shannon Wheeler
Other contributors to this project have elected to not have their names listed here.
We respect and protect their privacy and thank them for their anonymous contributions.

Sadly, the response to the comic seems to have been minimal, despite a fairly robust on-line presence and articles in several media outlets including Forbes!
Perhaps part of the problem was that it didn't go on-line until the middle of October, only a couple of weeks before the election!
I'd like to point out I didn't know it even existed until yesterday, when it popped up in an on-line search I was doing for the works of one of the creatives listed above!
Continuing through the month of March, we'll post a different chapter from the book each Monday to give you a taste of the quality work done for this noble effort!