Showing posts with label next issue project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label next issue project. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The NEW Next Issue Project: Crack Comics #63

What if...after 60 years, the next issue of your favorite comic book FINALLY came out?
Art by Alan Weiss
Admittedly, it seems like some current Marvel & DC titles have this problem, but writer-artist Erik Larsen decided to take REAL long-cancelled titles, and revive them as if they were just inadvertently-delayed...for six decades!
It's turned into an annual event, but it's always worth the wait to give some long-missing characters a "last hurrah".
For the third issue (after Fantastic Comics #24 and Silver Streak Comics #24), it's Crack Comics #63, starring Captain Triumph, the Clock (comic books' first masked hero), Alias the Spider, Space Legion, and other kool retro characters.
Alternate cover by Mike Allred
If you're a fan of Golden Age comic characters, you should pick it up.
If you know a fan of Golden Age comic characters, you should pick it up, and give it to them as a present.

Comic Collectibles Shops!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics vs HITLER!

Rottener than the Red Skull!
More lethal than Lex Luthor!
More menacing than Moriarity!
Deadlier than Doctor Doom!
He's the Ultimate Villain!
And, he was REAL!
Adolf Hitler tricked or forced millions into obeying his maniac desires, and plunged the Earth into the deadliest global conflict ever!
The Allied armed forces (including the US Army, Navy, and Marines) were the REAL heroes who defeated him.
But, on the home front, comic books provided Americans with inspirational imagery of superheroes clobbering, smashing, bashing, kicking, even SPANKING Der Fuerher!
Here are a dozen of the best of those classic images from the war years, digitally-remastered and restored directly from the actual comic books, on our newest 12-month calendar for 2011...Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics versus Hitler!

Perfect birthday or holiday present for the WWII and/or comic book fan in your life, especially combined with  one of the books below or another of our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™ collectibles to make a gift set!
And then go "...heil (razzberry), heil (razzberry), right in Der Fuehrer's Face!"

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Samson Classic Cover Gallery

Besides being one of the characters to be revived by both Erik Larsen (in Next Issue Project: Fantastic Comics #24) and Alex Ross (in Project SuperPowers), Samson was the FIRST demigod characters to receive his own comic, predating Marvel's Mighty Thor by several decades!
(And yes, I'm looking forward to Natalie Portman as Jane Foster in the new Mighty Thor movie!)

BTW, did we mention that ALL these covers (and six more) are available on our Classic Samson 2010 12-Month Calendar? ;-)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Next Issue Project: Silver Streak Comics #24 GiftSet!

Continuing the Next Issue Project series which presents the "next issue" of comic books that last saw print over 60 years ago, Erik Larsen has just released Silver Streak Comics #24 featuring Dare Devil, Silver Streak, The Claw and Captain Battle.
(BTW, Silver Streak Comics #23 came out in 1946!)
It's a nicely-done little book with all-new art by Larson (Savage Dragon) himself, Michael T. Gilbert (Mr. Monster), Paul Griest (Kane) and Alan Weiss (Warlock).

If you have a Golden Age of Comics fan on your Christmas shopping list, why not pick up this brand-new $3.99 book and combine it with one or two of our many kool kollectibles under $14.99 each featuring the 1940s covers for these same characters, to make an inexpensive, yet obviously thoughtful, Golden Age of Comics GiftSet for him / her?
Choose from...

or, if he / she is into villains...
The Claw!

Each cover image is shot directly from an original 1940s comic book (no second-gen reprints or low-rez files HERE), then digitally-restored and remastered by artists who've worked on classic comic reprint projects for Marvel and DC (among others)!

Make it a "comic book Christmas" for your loved one this year!
Give them a graphic gift they'll enjoy for years to come!

PLUS: order today, Dec. 18th, pay for Standard shipping and receive a FREE upgrade to 2-Day to get it by Dec. 24th!

* Choose Standard Shipping, and at no extra cost we'll automatically upgrade you to 2-Day Shipping (when needed) to ensure delivery by December 24, 2009. Delivery address must be within the United States and cannot be a PO Box. Promotion starts on December 16, 2009, at 12:00 a.m. (EST) and ends on December 18, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. (EST). This offer may change, be modified or cancelled at anytime without notice.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Samson brings down the walls (but won't knock over the Christmas tree)!

Long before Thor started swinging Mjolnir in the pages of Marvel Comics, another mythological demi-god strode the four-color pages of the Golden Age, dispensing justice.
Samson smashed his way (literally) thru the cover of Fantastic Comics #1 in 1939, keeping the cover slot to heimself for the book's entire run!
Most of the early covers (like the one shown here) were illustrated by classically-trained Lou Fine, one of comics' best draftsmen, perfectly-suited to drawing a mythological hero!

At first, Samson was just a super-strong guy who wore shorts and sandals and beat up baddies.
But, when he received his own comic book a year later, readers were clued into his origin.
In Samson #1, we learned he was a direct descendant of the Biblical hero, possessed of his ancestor's powers (Super strength, speed and invulnerability)...and his weakness!
Yes, if his hair was cut, he'd lose his strength! (You'd be surprised how many criminals carried around a convenient pair of scissors!) Fortunately, his hair grew at an accelerated rate, so that his periods of incapacitation tended to be days, if not hours! (Hey, it was the 1940s. Outlandish explanations for these things were the norm.)

When he gained his own book, he also picked up a sidekick; David, an orphan he rescued from a crashed plane. David had no superpowers and served as a sounding board for the hero and occasional hostage for Samson to rescue.
Samson kept going for several years until the publisher cancelled Fantastic Comics and tossed Samson out of his own comic, retitling it Captain Aero, and featuring a patriotic, Blackhawk-type, aviator!
There was a brief three-issue revival in the early 1950s, then Samson vanished!

But, you can't keep a good hero down!
Not one, but TWO publishers have recently revived him!
First, Alex Ross made him a lead character in Project SuperPowers, a new series that features Golden Age characters transplanted to the present day.
(In fact, the current issue cover-features him!)
Then Erik Larsen brought him back in The Next Issue Project, which revives long-dead comics series and continues their numbering (and their storylines) from their last published issue in the 1940s! (In the case of Fantastic Comics, which ended with #23 in 1942, Larson published Fantastic Comics #24, starring Samson, in 2008, 66 years later!)
To add to that, we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ proudly return comics' first demi-god to his rightful place in the pantheon of the Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™ with five different covers including his first and final appearances, on t-shirts, mousepads, mugs, and many other goodies!
PLUS: we've just added a Classic Samson 2010 12-Month Calendar featuring a dazzling dozen of his best Golden Age covers!
So, why not do a Christmas "gift package" of, say the hardcover Project SuperPowers collected edition and a Samson shirt, mug, or 12-month calendar?
Show your loved one that you respect their hobby, and want to give them something unique to enable them to enjoy it!
Isn't that what Christmas is about? ;-)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Beware the Black Owl (both of them!)

We already covered The Owl here, but there was another hero (actually two of them in the same costume) based on the wise bird of legend.
The first Black Owl debuted in Prize Comics #1 as K the Unknown, but became Black Owl in #2. He didn't get a cover appearance until Prize Comics #7, which also featured the comic book intros of pulp hero Green Lama and literary character Monster of Frankenstein!
Now stop me if you've heard this one...
Bored millionare playboy Doug Danville decides to battle cowardly, superstitious criminals as a fearsome creature of the night.
Utilizing his personal fortune, he creates a masked identity with various non-lethal armaments and takes on the criminal element for several years.
Sounds like a whole slew of heroes of the period, eh?
But there's a twist, folks!
When World War II breaks out, he enlists in the Army!
(Most heroes remained on the Home Front battling spies and saboteurs.)
Realizing it would be best for the city he protects if The Black Owl was still believed to be fighting crime, Doug passes on his costume and equipment in Prize Comics #34 to another man...
The second Black Owl was Walt Walters, father of a pair of patriotic teen superheroes, Yank & Doodle whom Doug Danville had teamed up with on several occasions, most notably Prize Comics #24, when they, Green Lama and several other characters, took on the Monster of Frankenstein!
Once Dad became a superhero, the kids became his sidekicks, but remained Yank & Doodle, instead of renaming themselves something avian to match their father's motif!
(Luckily, their color schemes matched!)
When Walt is shot and wounded in Prize Comics #64, he retires from active crimefighting, serving as a non-costumed assistant to Yank & Doodle until their series is cancelled several months later.
Note: we never learn what became of Doug Danville after he entered the Army...

Alex Ross has now incorporated both Black Owls (and Yank & Doodle) into his Project SuperPowers Golden Age revival series, with one of the BOs somehow becoming a living black hole!

While we won't go that far, Atomic Kommie Comics™ has incorporated both Black Owls into our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™ line, even giving them their own section featuring the first cover appearance as well as the best cover art for each Black Owl on t-shirts, mugs and other goodies!

So, whether it's The Owl or The Black Owl, we have something on WHOOOever (sorry, couldn't resist) holds your interest!

And buy Project SuperPowers, the best Golden Age revival series on the market!

Monday, June 22, 2009

SALE: Icons of the Golden Age of Comics

As we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Atomic Kommie Comics™ is both introducing a NEW line of Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™ collectibles, Icons of the Golden Age of Comics, AND thanking our kool kustomers and blogwatchers for their unswerving support!

We're posting the links only here on this blog to special storefronts to enable those who click on it to buy items at discount from today until July 1st!

PLUS: Each week (on Monday), we'll be listing one or two MORE Icons ALSO at discount for a week before being offered to the general public at regular prices!
(We show the normal prices next to the item titles on these special pages)
First up, save up to 25% per item on a trio of terrific titans...
Black Terror Icon
DareDevil (& Claw) Icon
Miss Masque Icon
Perfect for streetwear, beachwear and / or conventionwear!

And don't forget to buy Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers, Death Defying 'Devil, Black Terror and Masquerade & Erik Larsen's Next Issue Project and Savage Dragon featuring NEW tales of these classic heroes! ;-)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Next Issue Project is HERE (Finally)! And it's GREAT!

What if, after 50 years, the next issue of your favorite comic finally came out?
Well, if you've been waiting since 1941 for Fantastic Comics #24, it finally hit the stands today!

Very KOOL!
Uses the larger page size and anthology format of Golden Age books. (Of course, then is was 64 pages for 10 cents, not $5.99, but this is 2008, not 1941!)
Nice variety of styles in illustration and production, ranging from primitive flat color to modern computer color.
Have a look at the page to the right. Panel 2 shows the sort of simple-but-effective color-for-emphasis stuff that was commonplace before everyone went photoshop-happy and coloring overwhelmed line-art! And it works as a dramatic visual, and as storytelling!
This is a comic book!
It's not a graphic novel!
This is what enthralled your grandparents and parents when they were kids!
And it enthralled me. ;-)

But that's not the only news...
Now, you can kick back and read Fantastic Comics #24 with a cup of cocoa in a Fantastic Comics #23 mug, while wearing a 1st Appearance Samson (Fantastic Comics #1) Long Sleeve Dark T-Shirt or compose a review of the book on your blog using the Classic Samson MousePad.

Just go to Fantastic Comics/Samson Collectibles which features limited-edition t-shirts, messenger bags, mugs, blank sketchbooks, and other kool kollectibles featuring cover art shot right from the original 1940s comics (not 2nd generation color copies or tiny photos in reference books), digitally restored and remastered.
Covers include:
1st Appearance of Samson (Fantastic Comics #1 Lou Fine Art)
Classic Samson (Samson #6)
Fantastic Comics #3 (Lou Fine art)
Fantastic Comics #4 (Lou Fine art)
Fantastic Comics #23 (The final issue up 'til now!)
(You may wonder why we don't have the other characters from Fantastic Comics available. Unlike other anthology series where characters alternated cover appearances, Samson was the sole cover feature for the entire 23-issue run of the book)

We also have some cool Crack Comics characters (since they did rotate cover appearances) on collectibles including:
Captain Triumph Collectibles
1st Appearance of Captain Triumph (Crack Comics #27)
Captain Triumph Breaks Out!
Captain Triumph & SideKick? (a clown???)
Crack Comics #62 (The final issue until now!)
The Clock Collectibles
Crack Comics #1
Crack Comics #5
Crack Comics #17

So, to sum up...
BUY The Next Issue Project: Fantastic Comics #24 NOW!
Then, come take a look at our goodies at Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics, where we have stuff based on the original versions of the characters that inspired not only Erik Larsen, but Alex Ross and his new Project SuperPowers series! It's a different, but equally-valid modern take on the Golden Age characters.

Friday, February 8, 2008

MORE "Lost" Heroes FOUND!

With Project SuperPowers a certified hit (If you haven't already picked it up, go BUY IT NOW!) and The Next Issue Project about to hit the stores, Atomic Kommie Comics has expanded our lineup of Golden Age heroes whose classic covers now adorn collectibles from T-Shirts to messenger bags to mugs, etc. in our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics line!
America's Best Comics
Big 3
Air Man
Black Terror (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Boy King (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Captain Triumph (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
The Claw
The Clock
The Face aka "Mr Face"
Fantom of the Fair
Fighting Yank (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
The Flame
Golden Boy (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Green Lama (including a "1st cover appearance" cover image!)
HydroMan & Rainbow Boy (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Miss Masque "Masquerade" (including a "1st cover appearance" image!)
Monster of Frankenstein "F-Troop"
The Owl
Samson, who's in BOTH Project SuperPowers & The Next Issue Project! (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Silver Streak (including a "1st cover appearance" image!)
Sky Wizard
V-Man (one of the souls who make up "The American Spirit")
Zip-Jet/RocketMan & RocketGirl
Plus: a Solo Heroes section with characters who have only one cover image available at this point, including The Arrow, Amazing Man, Black Cobra, DareDevil (the 1940s original aka "the Death-Defying 'Devil"), Detective Eye, Doc Strange, Green Giant, Green Mask, PyroMan, & SkyMan. (But we're constantly adding new images as we acquire or borrow more Golden Age comics!)
And: Lost Heroes LogoWear with our retro-style logo!

And BUY Project SuperPowers & The Next Issue Project!