Showing posts with label Neal Adams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neal Adams. Show all posts

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Prepare for the RetroBlog Thanksgiving Turkey!

Due to time constraints...
...this year's Thanksgiving Turkey is going to be a little smaller, but no less tasty!
And this year, it'll be served at
Pop Art Martial Arts!
The Coming of...

Proof positive that even the greatest comic creators can have an "off" day!

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder IRONJAW "Saga of IronJaw!" Conclusion

When Last We Left the Embodiment of Toxic Masculinity...

...sometime in a post-apocalyptic future, the barbarian known as IronJaw rescues a woman from a group of soldiers, slaughtering almost the entire squad!
But it's not due to altruism or s sense of justice, but simply horniness!
So while he indulges his lust, the unit's sole survivor reports to the king about their attacker...and the birthmark he bore which indicates the barbarian is, in fact, the supposedly-dead heir to the throne!
The current usurpers aren't happy with the news and order IronJaw captured ASAP...
This never-reprinted tale from Atlas/Seaboard's IronJaw #1 (1975) actually serves as a decent example of "world-building from scratch".
And, the writer intended the lead character to be a real asshole...

To say writer Michael Fleisher was "politically-incorrect" long before the phrase was coined is putting it mildly!
If you really want to take a look at how polarizing the guy was in the comics/sci-fi community, click HERE!
Warning: it ain't for the faint-hearted!
BTW, Fleisher ended up scripting extended runs of Marvel's Conan the Barbarian color comic and the Savage Sword of Conan b/w magazine from 1981 through 1985 as well as Marvel's comic adaptations of both the Arnold Schwarzenegger Conan movies!

Monday, May 2, 2022

Monday Madness WARP: Neal Adams on Broadway!

In 1973, Chicago's Organic Theatre...

...presented their most daring bit of theatre to date..
...a science fiction trilogy!
(You thought George Lucas was the first one to do it?)
After successful runs of all three parts in Chicago, the crew, led by Organic co-founder Stuart (ReAnimator) Gordon, headed for NYC to present the first chapter, "My Body, My Battlefield!"...with some significant upgrades by DC/Marvel artist Neal Adams (1941-2022)!
Besides doing the above poster, plus insert art and the cover for Playbill, Neal did...well, I'll let the Monster Times explain...
Sadly, the Broadway version ran for only eight performances (after a couple of weeks of previews).
It was later revived (using Adams' designs and tech improvements) for another successful run of all three chapters in Chicago!
Plus, WARP became one of the lynchpin series for Chicago-based publisher First Comics when they launched in 1983, with a nine-issue adaption of the entire trilogy featuring art by Frank (Doctor Strange) Brunner and utilizing Neal's designs!
The series then told new stories for the remaining ten issues (plus three Specials).
If there was ever a theatrical project that was ahead of its' time, this was it!
Could the Organic Theatre (which still exists) re-mount it now, utilizing the advanced tech now available for live theatre?
We could only hope...
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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Bet You've NEVER Seen Santa Claus Like THIS...

Ah, the Silver Age of Comics!
When situations like the one portrayed above were the norm, rather than the exception.
From DC's Hot Wheels #6 (1970), the last issue of the first comic based on a TV series based on a toy line.
Ironically, it was the Christmas issue...

Long before He-Man, Micronauts, GI Joe and Transformers presented toys as animated action heroes, Hanna-Barbera's Hot Wheels animated series (based on the still-highly successful Mattel toys) featured a politically-correct team of teens battling evil while engaging in auto races in nifty cars (with their seat belts firmly buckled, of course)!
Yes, it sounds like Scooby Doo...but without the annoying talking dog...
To see this never-reprinted story, click HERE.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder / CoronaVirus Comics PLANET OF VAMPIRES "Quest for Blood" Conclusion

...(actually we haven't seen this, since there's no scene like it in the book.
Nor is there a cloaked, sinisterly-snarling vampire!
But it's a great Neal Adams/Dick Giordano cover, eh?)
Escaping the virus-created scientifically-advanced blood-suckers who inhabit the Dome in the center of a devastated Manhattan, our four surviving astronauts team up with the primitive, but human Street People.
Rigging a stolen aircraft as a booby-trap, they destroy two pursuing ships sent to recapture them.
There's a price to be paid...and one of the astronauts will pay it...
With the departure of writer/co-creator Larry Hama (GI Joe), John Albano (Jonah Hex) stepped in to the scripting slot, working off Hama's basic plot for the issue as well as several pages already laid out by penciler/co-creator Pat Broderick.
It'a a well-done job, making the transition pretty seamless between the two writers.
Be here next week, as the astronauts and street people take the fight back to the virus-infected "domies"!
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But not the 1960s Vincent Price adaptation.
That one, you can get here...)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics PLANET OF VAMPIRES "Long Road Home" Conclusion

Art by Pat Broderick and Neal Adams
...well, that kool cover says it all, doesn't it?
BTW, though the cover says six astronauts, we only see five, including Dr Ben Levitz, who was killed by savages when the crew first reached shore after crash-landing off Coney Island!
The "sixth astronaut" is never mentioned by name...or even shown in the background...anywhere in the issue!
In 2008, a team of astronauts exploring Mars lose contact with Earth.
After a two-year voyage, they return to find most of the planet devastated and the survivors apparently devolved to primitive savages!
However, some people in Manhattan managed to keep technology functioning and a relatively-civilized society going under an impenetrable dome...but at what cost to their humanity?
This never-reprinted first issue of Atlas/Seaboard's Planet of Vampires (1975) was Larry Hama's intro to comic scriptwriting.
Hama had been a penciler/inker apprenticing under Wally Wood before landing his first ongoing gig; penciling Iron Fist in Marvel Premiere.
But when John Byrne was given Iron Fist (which moved into its' own comic), Hama was without steady work.
The brand-new Atlas/Seaboard company welcomed the young creative with open arms, giving him two books: Planet of Vampires, which he scripted, and Wulf the Barbarian, which he both wrote and penciled.
Larry ended up leaving both the books (and the company) when the publisher refused to allow leeway on the deadlines when Hama's mother was dying, forcing the young writer/artist to bring in a host of pro friends to meet the deadlines while he dealt with the personal loss and handled funeral arrangements.
Hama went on to much bigger things like GI Joe, while Atlas/Seaboard went out of business within a year.
Next Wednesday:
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(the graphic novel verson of the novel, adapted into the then-current movie Omega Man, which "inspired" this series!)

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Reading Room 3-D COLOR CLASSICS: TIME MACHINE (Conclusion)

Victorian-era inventor John travels to the future and discovers that, after reaching a pinnacle of scientific development, mankind has deteriorated to two groups of primitives!
Above-ground dwellers are peaceful, but those who lurk below are savage!
The underground humans steal John's time-travel vehicle...and then, one of his new-found friends, a woman named Weena.
Seeking both, the chronic argonaut goes below the surface, where he discovers the hostile cave dwellers, known as "Morlocks", are hyper-sensitive to light.
Finding his machine and the woman, John heads for the surface with her, planning to return for his vehicle...
Note: John says to the Morlocks; "Perhaps one of my distant ancestors will meet you!"
If they're in the future, wouldn't it be one of his descendents?
If you want to see how much this never-reprinted 1995 adaptation varies from the original book, click HERE to read the original novel!
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