Showing posts with label Joe Sinnott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Sinnott. Show all posts

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Holiday Reading Room YOUNG DOCTORS "Dr Tom Brent: Christmas Comes in August!"

You have no idea how few medical-themed Yuletide comic stories there are...

...until you try to find one...and end up with a tale that's the victim of terrible printing!
This never-reprinted tale from Charlton's Young Doctors #6 (1963) unfortunately shows off the terrible printing Charlton Comics was famous for!
The publisher didn't utilize the printing companies literally every other comics publisher used.
Instead, to save money, they printed on old, second-hand printing presses.
But those presses had been constructed to handle cardboard and plastic packaging, not the much-thinner newsprint paper used for comics!
As a result, their comics had an amazing amount of smearing and off-register color, as you can see from the first page.
It's a shame, because the art by penciler Joe Sinnott and inker Vince Colletta deserves a better presentation!
BTW, Young Doctors was an anthology title featuring tales of all the MDs who had their own Charlton books at the time, including, of course, Dr Tom Brent, Young Intern!
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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Holiday Reading Room MARVEL TALES "Man Without Fear"

"What holiday?"
Why, Halloween, of course! it!
Is this never-reprinted story by writer Carl Wessler and artist Joe Sinnott from Atlas' Marvel Tales #140 (1955) a Halloween treat...or trick?
You tell us, kiddo!

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder SILVER SURFER: THE ULTIMATE COSMIC EXPERIENCE Preface and Creator Bios

Here's the text pieces from the long OOP graphic novel...
Judge for yourself as to the historical accuracy of the material.
Nice to see the rest of the creatives get a little attention.
But, Stan Lee realized the PR value to his audience of promoting the writers and artists like rock stars (as his promo for the first issue of Fantasy Masterpieces demonstrated), and pushed the image of a happy "bullpen" (with him as the lead creative, of course).
We hope you enjoyed seeing this long-lost bit of Marvel history, and suggest you bookmark this blog for a lot more HTF comics goodies...
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Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Original, unused cover by Jack Kirby & Mike Royer and published cover by Earl Norem
Caught by the CIA in an energy-absorbing trap, the Silver Surfer seemed destined for experimentation in a government laboratory, but something from space swoops down and frees him...
"Tamam Shud" means "ended" or "finished" in ancient Persian.
Bet a lot of you thought it was a quote from a writer named "Tamam"!
The actual quote is from Edward FitzGerald's famous translation of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Was Stan the Man poetic or pompous?
Next Wednesday, a follow-up with the text pieces from the graphic novel, including the bios of the creatives!
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Wednesday, July 5, 2023


...actually, we haven't seen this, since it's an unused pencil page by Jack (King) Kirby from the sequence you're about to read.
Galactus' creation, Ardina, attempts to sway the Silver Surfer from defending Earth (and humanity) against the Planet Devourer.
But, if anything, she strengthens his resolve and he attempts to break through the barrier Galactus has placed around Earth to once more do battle with the towering alien!
However, the force field is too strong, and the Skyrider of the Spaceways plummets, drained, back to the planet's surface...
Who has saved the Surfer...and why?
Find out next Wednesday as we present the thrilling conclusion!
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