Showing posts with label George Pal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Pal. Show all posts

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Classic WAR OF THE WORLDS Movie Posters!

Because Halloween makes me think of War of the Worlds, here's a link to a batch of 6 limited-edition posters from the first (and best) movie version of HG Wells' classic novel.

Photographed from the original posters (not from second-generation repros, tiny pix in books or low-rez internet files), the art has been lovingly-restored and digitally-remastered.

And, best of all, every one of the posters features those really-kool Martian war machines!

And there's even a couple of foreign versions...


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


It was legendary movie George Pal's first "hard" sci-fi film...
..and, hoo-boy, was it a goodie!
Our brother blog, Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™, is currently running the comic book adaptation written by Otto Binder, so, to nudge you into having a look over there...
we're not only going to show you the trailer...

 ...and a half-hour tv special from 1950...

...but we're going to present the entire movie!

Now, go have a look at the adaptation at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: War of the Worlds

While only the 1938 radio version of War of the Worlds (available HERE) incorporates Halloween...
...the George Pal movie holds a place in my Halloween viewing schedule, primarily for this scene featuring Oscar-winning special effects that still pack a punch today...

or, if you want your alien invasion as portrayed by cute bunnies...