Showing posts with label abc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abc. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Holy Halloween, Batman! Wertham Was RIGHT!

In Seduction of the Innocent, Dr Fredric Wertham claimed, "The Batman type of story may stimulate children to homosexual fantasies, of the nature of which they may be unconscious" and "Only someone ignorant of the fundamentals of psychiatry and of the psychopathology of sex can fail to realize a subtle atmosphere of homoeroticism which pervades the adventures of the mature 'Batman' and his young friend Robin."
There's a delightfully-snarky article about Wertham's conclusions HERE.
And catch the Halloween ep of Modern Family tonite on ABC!
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Friday, October 14, 2011

Fantastic Femmes: Charlie's Angels Cancelled

Annie Ilonzeh (Kate Prince), Rachael Taylor (Abby Sampson), and Minka Kelly (Eve French)
In a blow against beautiful women in skimpy outfits kicking butt, ABC has canceled the newest version of Charlie's Angels after 4 episodes.
The attempt at revamping the campy 1970s series with Annie Ilonzeh, Rachael Taylor, and Minka Kelly as three young criminals turned private investigators in Miami proved futile.
The series brought in 8.7 million viewers with its Sept. 22 premiere, but the numbers dropped from there. Thursday's episode garnered 6 million viewers, a marginal increase from the previous week.
Production has already shut down on the series, and already-produced episodes will air until the network decides what will fill the time slot. (there are 2 known episodes, but it is suspected that at least 2 partially-completed episodes will be finished as well.)
The original tv series ran 5 seasons (1976-81) for 110 episodes, and there were 2 successful feature films in 2000 & 2003.
Ironically, the most recent episode was a remake of an original series episode that drew record ratings when it aired in 1976!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oceanic Airlines In-Flight Magazine for Kids from 1954!

An old friend of mine wanted to enter a contest for LOST-related designs at a PoD we both use and asked me for a copy of my digital file for Mystery Tales #40 plus a couple of fonts from my extensive collection, saying she was going to do "the ultimate in-joke".

The Oceanic Airlines In-Flight Magazine for Kids is the result!
Using the cover of the comic young John Locke didn't choose in the ep "Cabin Fever", she created a new, retro-style logo, dated it as September, 1954, exactly 50 years before the Flight 815 crash (in September, 2004), and replaced the existing captions with new, LOST storyline-based text!

I pointed out a couple of anachronisms / inaccuracies...
1) The actual comic was from 1956, two years later!
2) According to several websites, Oceanic Airlines didn't start operating until the mid-1970s (though I'm not sure if that's "canon" or not.)
She responded...
1) The Oceanic Airlines Mag usage was the art's "first use".
It was "reused" as the cover of Mystery Tales #40 (which may also explain why the art doesn't really match the comics story it's supposed to represent)!
2) Oceanic Airlines had actually been founded shortly after World War II, gone bankrupt in the early 1970s, then another company bought the assets and re-established the airline in the mid-70s!
Since there's nothing to contradict those ideas, I had to concede them as viable plot points...

Anyway, the end result is KOOL, so take a look, and maybe buy an item! (She's disabled and can use the cash.)