Showing posts with label MST3K. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MST3K. Show all posts

Friday, December 24, 2021

Friday Fun/Monday Mars Madness SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE MARTIANS Conclusion (Plus BONUS)

It's Christmas Eve, so we're combining two ongoing features to give you a special treat!

In a desperate attempt to stimulate their lethargic and unmotivated children, the Martians decide to create a Christmas celebration on Mars.
But, the idea lacks one vital element...the real Santa Claus!
The benevolent Martian leader, Kimar, leads an expedition to Earth, where the aliens invade Santa's workshop at the North Pole.
Transporting Kris Kringle (and a couple of Earth kids they ran into) to the Red Planet, the Martians build a totally-automated factory to produce enough toys in time for Christmas.
But, the big green men are divided about Santa's presence on Mars is actually helping their offspring.
One dissident group, lead by Voldar, sabotages the factory and kidnaps who they think is Santa, but is actually Kimar's bumbling aide, Dropo in a spare Santa suit...
Now, as a special early Christmas present...
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians:
the Motion Picture!
(Actually the MST3K version condensed down to 10 minutes!)

BTW, for those expecting the conclusion to last Friday's Christmas adventure with Barbie, that will be here on Christmas Day!

Sunday, November 25, 2018


He's the Jolly Old Elf in a red suit!
They are BIG Green Men from Mars with an even BIGGER robot!
Before Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, they were the ingredients for the weirdest Christmas movie ever!

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians was filmed in 1964 in that bastion of the cinema, Long Island (in an unused aircraft hangar).
Starring a host of tv and b-movie actors including handsome-but-stiff Leonard Hicks as the Martian Leader (and kids' father) Kimar, 60s villain/voiceover artist Vincent Beck (who did lots of work for Irwin Allen's sci-fi shows) as the film's mustache-twirling villain, Voldar, and John Call as a pretty damn convincing Santa Claus, the flick is touted as the debut of future talentless chantuse Pia Zadora as Martian Kid Girmar. Thankfully, she has rather limited screen time.
As an example of low-budget filmmaking, it's actually pretty effective.
Every penny (what few of them they had) is up on the screen.
They make good use of stock footage (from Dr. Strangelove, no less).
And the use of then-popular Wham-O Air Blaster toy guns as the Martian weapons was either a stroke of marketing genius or clever use of limited funds. Either way, sales of the guns shot thru the roof after the film hit the kiddie matinee circuit!

If you're between 3-9 years old, the flick's a lot of fun.
If you're between 10 and whatever the local drinking age is, it'll drive you nuts, especially the theme song!
If you're over the local drinking age, do so before watching! It's available on a host of public domain dvds as well as one of the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 snarkfests.

And you just knew we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ were going to include Santa Claus Conquers the Martians in our Cool Christmas collection on stuff including kid and adult sweatshirts and hoodies, mugs and coasters, tree ornaments, and greeting cards!
BTW: The image above is from the comic book tie-in, which you can read in three parts...
There was also a single of the theme, a spoken-word LP album of the movie's dialogue, and a novelization!
Now I can't get that damn theme our of my head..."Hoo-ray for Santy Claus..." AARRRGGGHHH!

An early Christmas gift from us to you:
The Mystery Science Theatre 3000 version of the film (don't tell Dr Forrester)...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: MOON ZERO TWO

Before Cowboys & Aliens, there WERE "Space Westerns"...
Click on art to enlarge
...although this one is more "Space" than "Western"!
1969's Moon Zero Two was a weird combo of 40s-50s pulp sci-fi with its "Western transposed to outer space" motif, 2001: a Space Odyssey / UFO-influenced production design and fx, and some cool 60s psychedelic elements set in the "far future" of 2021.
We're going into more detail about the flick at our "brother" blog Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™, presenting the rarely-seen comic adaptation (by Paul Neary) from House of Hammer, some background info, and links to related sites.

But, as long as you're here, why not watch the complete Mystery Science Theater 3000 version of MZ2?

Check out
Classic Comix and Movie Collectibles Store 
and these HTF Moon Zero Two items on Amazon...