Showing posts with label impeachment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label impeachment. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Andrew Johnson: the FIRST Impeached President!

With lame-duck President Donald Trump about to be impeached for the second time...
...lets look at how the first President to undergo the ritual was portrayed in comics, starting with this one-pager by writer/artist Joseph Kaliff from Centaur's Wham Comics #1 (1940) which doesn't mention his impeachment!
OTOH, this one-pager by artist John Buscema and an unknown writer from Dell's one-shot Life Stories of American Presidents (1957) tackles it head-on...
....while this half-pager from Our Presidents (1953) doesn't have the space to go into detail...
....unlike this text piece illustrated by Alex Blum and scripted by an unknown author from Classics Illustrated #105 (1953)!
The matter was ignored in the same publisher's Classics Illustrated #162a (1961), illustrated by George Evans...
...though the political conflict behind the impeachment is mentioned!
The impeachment is covered again (briefly) in the same publisher's World Around Us #21 (1960), though only referred to as a "trial"!
Finally, EC's Picture Stories from American History #4 (1947) presents the matter in their feature on the post-Civil War Reconstruction period...
Writer Jerry Coleman and artist Allen Simon cover the impeachment as a sidebar to the main story.
You'll note differing "points of view" in the various versions, much as TV and movie "docu-dramas" tend to differ when retelling the same events.
Which is closest to the truth?
I offer the legendary Encyclopedia Brittanica as an unbiased source on the topic HERE and HERE.
Then judge for yourself...

Monday, January 11, 2021

Monday Madness MAD "Mad's All-Inclusive Do-It-Yourself Impeachment Newspaper Story"

When the previous criminal Repug Prez was about to be impeached in 1974... was (unlike now) for a non-violent crime and MAD Magazine was at a creative peak, as demonstrated by this classic (and pretty comprehensive) piece by writer Frank Jacobs published in EC's MAD #170 (1974)!
The process took several months, allowing for such satirical pieces to be produced.
Today, sadly, MAD is gone, and the increased speed political matters are now proceeding at prevents such material from being created.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Don da Con and "I Want No Quid Pro Quo" hired a pair of DC/Marvel creatives to explain... graphic storytelling (aka "comic strip") format, the entire Don da Con impeachment mishigas!
Writer Anthony DelCol and illustrator Josh Adams, utilizing quotes, transcripts, and testimony put the entire tale in context from start to finish so simply and effectively, even a Repug Senator could follow it!
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