Showing posts with label Pandemica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pandemica. Show all posts

Monday, May 25, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics PANDEMICA "Chapter One: Get Down with the Sickness" Conclusion

There's a conspiracy to use biological warfare to target specific genetic types...non-whites!
Dr Moses Katz has deduced the key to the plot, but needs help to gather evidence!
After a botched assassination attempt against him, the medical researcher begins recruiting a team of experts with extremely-special skills...
So the cover depicts where the issue ends, not a scene within the issue itself!
Combine speculation about Covid-19 with the X-Files and Mission: Impossible and you get this (prophetic?) series produced last year!
Where does it go from here?
This tale from IDW's almost-prescient Pandemica #1 (2019), by novelist Jonathan Mayberry and illustrator Alex Sanchez begins the set-up the rest of that first issue (of five) completes!
Luckily, they're publishing the entire mini in one trade paperback with kool extras...
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Monday, May 18, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics PANDEMICA "Chapter One: Get Down with the Sickness" Part 1

Combine Covid-19 with the X-Files and Mission: Impossible...
...and you get this (prophetic?) series produced last year!
Remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you don't have enemies...
This opener from IDW's almost-prescient Pandemica #1 (2019), by novelist Jonathan Mayberry and illustrator Alex Sanchez begins the set-up the rest of that first issue (of five) completes!
You'll see the rest of #1 next week...
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