Showing posts with label Winston Lyons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winston Lyons. Show all posts

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Are You Reading the Literary Sensation of Summer 2021?

Specifically, the never-reprinted all-original novel from over five decades ago...
... which combines the best of both the Caped Crusader's Silver Age comics and the legendary 1960s TV show in peerless prose?

If not, what do we have to do to convince you?

Now if that doesn't send you hurling headlong to at least take a look by clicking...'re not truly a Bat-Fan!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

HOLY CAMP CLASSICS!!! Are You Ready for the Next RetroBlog Blogathon Entry?

Go back 55 years when BatMANIA swept the country, and join us as we relive...

...a Batman adventure unlike any other!
Scripted by pulp/paperback/comic book writer William Woolfolk under the pen-name "Winston Lyons", it's a fascinating mash-up of the TV and comic versions of the Caped Crusader, Robin the Boy Wonder,  and a trio of arch-villains!
You might note that The Riddler (who was the TV Batman's premiere nemesis, isn't in the story.
That's because the book was written before the show aired, and the Prince of Puzzles had appeared in only three comics stories before 1966!
He wasn't considered a major nemesis by comics fans or creators until after the show began!
Start the adventure now by clicking HERE!