Showing posts with label seduction of the innocent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seduction of the innocent. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2022

We Hope You Enjoyed Our 2022 RetroBlog Summer Blogathons...

...with the theme of "crossover", featuring posts of long-out of print (OOP) tales with multi-genre appeal!
First up...
...was a double-feature of the conclusion of Thor and Jane Foster's long-running soap opera-style Silver Age romance in
...along with Jane Foster's first time wielding Thor's hammer in
Then the OOP Street Fighter the Movie (1995) comic adaptation in both
Pop Art Martial Arts
Plus the OOP graphic novel that served as the basis for a recent flick starring Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford in...
Western Comics Adventures
and right here at
Atomic Kommie Comics
And, finally...
The multiversal (and OOP) first Doctor Strange prose novel, Nightmare (1979) by William Rotsler in both
Medical Comics and Stories
PLUS: A standalone OOP "beach read" Gothic Romance in
True Love Comics Tales
(Hey, it's a long-standing tradition!)
Come Back Next Summer for More RetroBlogs Fun!

Sunday, August 28, 2022

The RetroBlogs Summer Blogathon Concluded...

...with a Re-Presentation of the Long-OOP Prose Novel from 1979...

...which spanned two blogs, Seduction of the Innocent and Medical Comics and Stories!

But, because we were posting to both blogs daily, instead of alternating between them with one-a-day posts, we had problems creating the correct hyperlinks to flow the reading experience from chapter to chapter smoothly!
Now, that was (dare we say it?), a
But, everything has been corrected due to cyber-sorcery and now you can read the entire novel starting HERE!
We've done other prose novels...
Captain America: the Great Gold Steal
Batman vs the 3 Villains of Doom
...but they were each posted to a single blog!
When we do more OOP prose novels in the future, that's the format we'll return to!
Hey, we're eccentric...but we're not insane!

Sunday, August 21, 2022

The RetroBlogs Summer Blogathon Goes MULTIVERSAL...

...with the biggest entry we've ever done!

A loooong (almost 45 years) Out Of Print novel by noted sci-fi fantasy author William Rotsler!
And it's so big it takes two RetroBlogs; Seduction of the Innocent and Medical Comics and Stories, to accommodate the multiverse-spanning saga!

Unless you are prepared to confront an evil that is older than time itself—a haunting, inhuman horror!
Unless you are prepared to share the fate of the dark-eyed Evangelist, the power-hungry Prize-fighter, the cold-blooded Assassin, and the stunning love-starved Starlet!
Unless you are prepared to enter the terrifying realm of NIGHTMARE, dark overlord of the dream dimension, and master of other men’s minds!
Unless you are prepared to trust your future, and the future of your world to...
Doctor Strange
Master of the Mystic Arts
A soul-chilling tale of terror . . . terror that could be YOURS!
Begin HERE...and don't falter!
The fate of the Multiverse may depend on YOU!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

IS THIS TOMORROW? Russkies/Communists and Propaganda

Even children 80 years ago knew how Russkies use propaganda... this 1940s tale on our "brother" RetroBlogSeduction of the Innocent! demonstrates!
Remember that Vladimir Putin, was both a KGB officer and high-ranking Communist Party member!
(If you believe Vlad's "ex" KGB and Communist Party, his actions in this [and other] matters would say otherwise...)
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(not the 1980s Chuck Norris film!)
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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Asians and Asian-Americans in Comics...the Saga Continues

Even more from our ongoing examination of how American comics portray Asians and Asian-Americans...
Start with the only Golden Age Desi jungle girl in (where else?)
The Lone Ranger rides to the rescue of oppressed Chinese settlers in the old West, first in a never-reprinted comic tale in...
...then listen to the dramatic radio show the comic was adapted from at...
and finally, witness the villainy of the character who personified the racist concept of "Yellow Peril" for over a century in...

There's lots more coming!
Don't miss it!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Asians and Asian-Americans in Comics...Continued

More from our ongoing examination of how American comics portray Asians and Asian-Americans...
Meet the only costumed Golden Age Asian super-heroine in (where else?)
The Blackhawks' Chinese teammate "Chop-Chop" gets not just one, but two different stories of how he joined the already-established aviator team!
His Silver Age origin at his politically-incorrect (and somewhat racist) Golden Age Origin at
Meet the immortal "World's Greatest Lover" who seduces (among others) Pacific Islanders in...
Discover secrets about the 1970s Charlie Chan cartoon (and other media versions) that you never dreamed of in...
and finally, meet the villain who's personified the racist concept of "Yellow Peril" for over a century in...

There's lots more coming!
Don't miss it!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Reading Room / Halloween Horror SUSPENSE "Raving Maniac"

People blaming pop culture (like movies and video games) for violence and evil in society is nothing new... seen in this over 65-year old short story from Atlas' Suspense #29 (1953)!
Writer/editor Stan Lee is the model for the story's editor.
Though artist Joe Maneely doesn't use Dr Fredric Wertham's likeness for the screaming loon, the character is clearly based on the impression the "good doctor" made on comics industry workers whose livelihood he almost destroyed.
This was the final issue of the pre-Comics Code horror title which, initially, adapted stories from the famous dramatic radio show.
When the similarly-named Tales of Suspense debuted a couple of years later, it was a Code-approved science-fiction/fantasy title until the arrival of superheroes Iron Man and Captain America.
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Ten-Cent Plague
The Great Comic Book Scare and How It Changed America

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Not Just Zombies....but ASTRO-ZOMBIES for Halloween!


Ah, Halloween...
One of our favorite times of the year here at Atomic Kommie Comics™!
What better time to promote our ghoulish goodies, including black hoodies and t-shirts (the perfect thing to wear during Zoom calls), tote/trick-or-treat bags, and mugs at Seduction of the Innocent™?
SEE: the moody moonlit graveyard of the full-color Italian poster for the original Night of the Living Dead!
SEE: the kitchy graphics of the rarely-seen Astro Zombies poster (believe it or not, the film was PG)!
SEE: the koolest ghoul of all...Vincent Price, on the classic poster for the original House on Haunted Hill?
And let's not forget
The Green Slime!
Last Man on Earth!
The ORIGINAL Demon Barber of Fleet Street!
I Married a Monster from Outer Space!
The ORIGINAL Little Shop of Horrors!
Occhio de Uccide!
AND (You knew we had to have this one) Plan 9 from Outer Space!
Make a kool-ghoul gift for your horrible hubby, wicked wife, boyfiend, or ghoulfriend with one of our collectibles! 
Buy them! Trade them! Collect 'em all!

Sunday, September 6, 2020

A Halloween Treat (No Trick!)...Horror Comics of the 1950s!

Since brick-and-mortar stores are already selling Halloween stuff, we now offer the following...
Before videogames came along, comics, tv, and movies were said to be the contributing factors to...(gasp)...JUVENILE DELINQUENCY!
Noted psychiatrist Dr Fredric Wertham SAID SO in his classic book Seduction of the Innocent!
I say...CELEBRATE the stuff your grandparents said would warp your parents' minds!
After all, they turned out OK, didn't they?
Didn't they?
Oh, well...
What could be more appropriate for Halloween than the frightening images of Horror Comics of the 1950s™ on tote bags, t-shirts, mini-buttons,and other ghoulish goodies?
Are you ready to be scared?
Click HERE...if you dare!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Britain's Fredric Wertham and the Gorbals Vampire!

Most readers of this blog are familiar with Dr. Fredric Wertham and his notorious book Seduction of the Innocent, which basically attributed 1950s juvenile delinquency to the reading of comic books, specifically horror comics!
But, did you know that Great Britain had a similar cultural phenomenon, known as The Gorbals Vampire, and they also blaming American horror comics?

Bleeding Cool, a site of such importance to all comics fanboys and fangirls (yes, that includes us) that it should be one of your PRIMARY bookmarks, has posted info on a BBC documentary about this infamous (and little-known) period of British history!

Link, read, listen, and learn.
For those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it!
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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Our Contributions to the CountDown to Halloween Blogathon... Monday through Friday on FIVE different blogs!
This Week...
Secret Sanctum of Captain Video runs comic adaptations of AIP's 1960s "Edgar Allan Poe" films...currently presenting the Vincent Price/Boris Karloff/Peter Lorre/Jack Nicholson comedy The Raven!
Seduction of the Innocent presents the premiere psychedelic adventure of Victorian monster fighter Sir Leo!
True Love Comics Tales begins the Halloween Season with a Silver Age inter-comics company romance!
Hero Histories premieres the introduction of the time-lost WereWolf Hunter!
Horror Comics of the 1950s showcases the never-reprinted introduction of...Dr Neff!
(Believe me, it's better than it sounds!)
Add in our own thrice-weekly contributions...
The never-seen in the US Dracula one-page comedy shorts from DRACULA!
The never-reprinted apocalyptic adventures in the original, 1980s Walking Dead b/w comic!
Stan Lee's humorous look at classic horror/sci-fi movies and tv shows from the never-reprinted Monsters to Laugh With & Monsters Unlimited!
That's eight days of posts in only seven days!
How do we do it???

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Countdown to Halloween 2019 begins Tuesday!

We're pleased to be included in the...
Starting October 1st, we'll be posting stuff once a week on five different RetroBlogs, so there'll be daily posts from us Monday thru Friday!
Secret Sanctum of Captain Video kicks off the week with adaptations of two of American International's 1960s "Edgar Allan Poe" flicks...
The Raven, starring Vincent Price, Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre, and Jack Nicholson!
War-Gods of the Deep, which is actually an original sci-fi screenplay set in the early 1900s, making it a "steampunk before it was steampunk" flick!
Seduction of the Innocent continues the horror with the psychedelic adventures of the British Victorian-era monster-fighter Sir Leo...
...yeah, it's as weird and off-beat as it sounds!
BTW, there are several never-seen-in-the-US tales in this batch, so there's another good reason not to miss this one!
True Love Comics Tales offers our annual collection of sci-fi, fantasy and horror...
...all with romance as the central plot!
Hero Histories covers the first few, never-reprinted appearances of plainclothes monster-fighter Werewolf Hunter...
...who had a surprisingly-long run in the back of Fiction House's military-oriented Rangers Comics!
We end the week with the comic book adventures of real-life magician and debunker Dr William (Bill) Neff in Horror Comics of the 1950s!
The series has links to the pulp-radio-comic character The Shadow, since creator Walter Gibson (aka Maxwell Grant) wrote all the stories and Bob Powell, who illustrated a number of The Shadow's pulp and comic book tales during the Golden Age also drew Neff's adventures!
Plus, here at Atomic Kommie Comics, our three ongoing features will be horror-themed!
Monday Madness posts will be the never-seen-in-America Dracula humor strips from the original Spanish-language Dracula comic from 1971!
Note: the 12-issue magazine series was translated and reprinted in England, then the first 6 issues were packaged as a trade paperback by Warren (Creepy/Eerie/Vampirella) Publications!
But neither English-language version ran these one-pagers despite the fact the strip is wordless!
Wednesday Worlds of Wonder will peek into the apocalyptic future of...The Walking Dead!
No, not that Walking Dead!
This one...
Yes, gang, we're returning to the never-reprinted original Walking Dead, from 30 years ago, over a decade before the one the TV show is based on!
And our Friday Fun posts will be covers and pages from the never-reprinted humor magazines Monsters to Laugh With / Monsters Unlimited and Monster Madness, featuring scripting/captioning by the late, great Stan Lee!