Showing posts with label 1980s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1980s. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday Madness CAPTAIN ELECTRON "Mr Computer"

Now this guy is exactly who we need in the era of deep fakes and potentially-insane AI!

Unfortunately, the "Today" the title refers to is 1986, though the art style looks like something from the Golden Age!

Despite looking like it was drawn in the 1940s, this tale was produced in 1986 to recruit students for a computer technology school!
The one-shot promo comic was written and illustrated by Golden Age artist Jay Disbrow, who served as Public Relations Director for Brick Computer Science Institute from the mid-1980s until it closed its' doors in 1994.
Jay continued to appear at comics conventions and, in 2000, started a webcomic, Aroc of Zenith, producing new material until 2005.
He passed from this mortal coil in 2017.
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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder ATARI FORCE Part Four "Conclusion"

In 2005...

...humanity, spearheaded by the Atari Force, explored multiple dimensions of the Multiverse to prepare to colonize them since Earth's biosphere is rapidly-decaying!
However, some species, such as the Malagon, are hostile to the intruding humans, but Atari techs developed the Phoenix starfighter to defeat them...if the pilot knows the correct strategy!
Note that the combat technique shown here was actually the way to win the video game!
As shown last week, when this digest-sized comic was reprinted in standard comic size as an insert in a couple of DC's ongoing books, the rather nasty-looking Malaglon...
...became almost-too cute-to-shoot frogs...
...not that something like that would ever stop a trigger-happy human pilot!
Liberator was the Atari arcade game which utilized the Atari Force comic's characters and graphics to greatest effect...
...from the advertising/promotion material... the arcade console itself!
The Atari Force WILL Return!
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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder ATARI FORCE Part Four "Part 1"

We Return to the Atari Universe, where in 2005, we started travelling into other dimensions...

..including some where humans definitely aren't welcome!

To Be Continued...
Next Wednesday!
As of this tale in the 1982 fourth cartridge insert comic by writers Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas, Penciler Ross Andru and inker Dick Giordano, it's clear that the pioneering crew of Scanner One finished their initial assignment, returned home, provided vital intel to Atari and helped organize and train a second wave of explorers!
Besides this digest-sized mini-comic, the story was also published as a bonus comic-sized insert in DC's DC Comics Presents #53 and New Teen Titans #27 (both 1983).
That version had some differences...
...starting with a retitling from "Phoenix" to "Code Name: Liberator"...
...and a new subtitle"Liberator Mission: Freedom or Death!"
Plus, every reference in the captions, dialogue and signage is altered from "Phoenix" to "Liberator"!
In addition, the alien Malaglon are altered from brutish, fanged extraterrestrials to...
...frogs, albeit armed and armored frogs!
I'm uncertain if the Comics Code Authority pushed the alteration of the aliens for the mass-market comics version...
...though it is so much more satisfying to see them getting blown up as hideous monsters than cute frogs.
But, that's just me...
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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Space Hero Saturdays STAR WARS the Lost Comic Books!

Since today is May the 4th Be With You Day...
...we're showing the covers of the only Star Wars comics that have never been reprinted in their original format!
Blackthorne's three-issue mini-series from 1987, Star Wars 3-D!
The stories are new tales by Len Wein, Patrick Zircher, Jim Nelson, and Caesar MacSombol!
While these comics have been reprinted (as shown below), the reprints aren't 3-D!
Would you like to see the 3-D versions?
Let us know!
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(Which reprints the issues shown above...but in 2-D!)
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Monday, April 29, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Silent Scream II: the Prequel"

In Choices: a Pro-Choice Benefit Anthology for the National Organization of Women (1990)...

The sequence was Trudeau's response to the then-recently-released anti-abortion film Silent Scream.
In the strips, Trudeau utilized the same cinema verite/documentary-style techniques the movie used to make his point.
The movie is still distributed by religious and anti-choice groups, but has been disproven as hyperbolic and scientifically-inaccurate.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday Fun: Before X-MEN '97! Before X-MEN the Animated Series! There was X-MEN "Pryde of the X-Men"!!!

When you watch X-Men '97 on Disney+...

...ask yourself what do you know about what led to it...even before the now-legendary animated TV series aired in the mid-1990s...

Did you know about the then-heavily-promoted pilot by Marvel AnimationNew World Studios, and Toei Entertainment that aired in syndication during September 1989?
Marvel Comics devoted much of their monthly "prozine" Marvel Age's 63rd issue to the project (including a new cover by the pilot's primary character designer Russ Heath which was also used for the first VHS release of the cartoon)!
Here's the main article...
(Note the panels running along the bottom of the pages are actually from a storyboard used during production)
In addition, there was an animators' size-comparison chart...
...and the issues's back cover was an illustration showing the characters'...backsides!
Two special treats for you...
First, the centerfold from this issue of Marvel Age by ever-amazing fan-turned-pro writer/artist Fred Hembeck about the fan anticipation for the pilot...

...and here's the pilot itself!
Note, it's from an EP (6-hour speed) VHS release.

(The slower the speed, the poorer the quality!
But a studio could fit more shows and/or movies on a single video cassette at a bargain price!)
Note: There is an SP (2 Hour Speed) VHS from New World Video...
...released to comics stores and Tower Video (remember them)?
All the others are EP (6 Hour Speed)!
Try to find this version in used video bins!
Don't Miss X-Men '97!
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(A trade paperback "photonovel" graphic novel taken from screengrabs of the "Pryde of the X-Men" pilot!)
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