Showing posts with label History Channel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History Channel. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Houdini's WEIRD TALES!

In 1924, the one-year-old Weird Tales magazine had not yet achieved the fame (or notoriety) that would make it a best-seller synonymous with fantasy and horror stories..., for a couple of issues, the publisher brought in the famed Harry Houdini to write the cover-feature.
Sales didn't pick up, and the magazine was forced to go from monthly to quarterly.
For the third and final Houdini cover story...
...the publisher had an up-and-coming young author ghost-write the final Houdini entry, doing a first-person mystery-adventure instead of the non-fiction charlatan spiritualist exposes of the previous issues.
The writer was H P Lovecraft.
You can read both the tale and the story behind it (explained in a letter by Lovecraft to fellow author Frank Belknap Long HERE.
It's been reprinted numerous times, ususally under the title "Under the Pyramids", and credited to Lovecraft.
Weird Tales and Lovecraft remained together, each inspiring the other to amazing creative heights.
Lovecraft began work with Houdini and C M Eddy, Jr. on a non-fiction book entitled "Cancer of Superstition", but Houdini's death ended the project which was fully-outlined with several chapters written.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Houdini Reading Room TRUE COMICS "Great Houdini"'s another, grittier, version, with more emphasis on the person rather than the performer.
This tale from Parents Magazine Press' True Comics #54 (1947) goes a bit further about both what inspired Houdini and caused his death.
But it wasn't the last word about Houdini in the four color pages of comics.
You'll see a more detailed retelling of his life story tomorrow!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Houdini Reading Room REAL FACT COMICS "Master of Mystery"

...we thought we'd take a look at how he's been portrayed in comics.
Here's his second solo appearance (after cameos in strips like Kid Eternity) in a never-reprinted feature from DC's Real Fact Comics #1 (1946).
Note: Houdini's first appearance is in the ultra-rare Rural House's Mask Comics #1.
But the only known surviving copies are "slabbed" in plastic cases to increase their resale value, so we may never see that story ever again.
While the writer is unknown, the artist is Dick Sprang, best-known for his decades of work on comics' most famous escape artist, The Batman!