Here's the premiere tale of one of the best-known "good girl art" comic strips of the Golden Age...
...which according to the Grand Comics Database, has (surprisingly) never been reprinted!
From this debut in Quality's Doll Man Quarterly #8 (1946) onward, writer/artist Bill Ward's Torchy kept gaining fans with each appearance, continuing in Doll Man until the book's cancellation as of #47 in 1953 as well as simultaneously branching out into Modern Comics from #53 (1946) to #102 (1950) and a six-issue run of her own self-named comic in 1949-50!
The strip established Ward, who had been doing work in every genre, solidly as a "good girl" artist, which he utilized when the comics business collapsed in the mid-1950s to get assignments from men's magazines.
The strip established Ward, who had been doing work in every genre, solidly as a "good girl" artist, which he utilized when the comics business collapsed in the mid-1950s to get assignments from men's magazines.
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(which, despite the misleading cover featuring a "modern" interpretaion of Torchy, features a strip by Bill Ward detailing how the Torchy series was created!)