Showing posts with label D-Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label D-Day. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Celebrate Reading Comics/Graphic Novels!

It's the anniversary of D-Day, when the Allies, led by America, invaded Fortress Europa...
...and we at Atomic Kommie Comics had our "brother-in-arms" RetroBlog War: Past Present and Future post numerous graphic tales of that epic day, beginning with Marvel's Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos hitting the beach on D-Day!
Yes, it was reprinted in a Marvel Masterworks over a decade ago, but those are extremely-expensive and didn't sell very well, so most of you have never seen this tale from over a half century ago!
It was really crowded at Normandy on June 6th, 1944 since Blackhawk and his team were also there, so it's only fair we present their never-reprinted D-Day adventure...which also doubles as their previously-unrevealed Hero Histories!
The EC Comics crew, best known for sci-fi and horror, also did a story about three ex-military personnel as seen HERE!
And one of their crew, who served in the Merchant Marine before becoming a paratrooper, did this tale  about our paratroopers on D-Day...
We here at the "parent" RetroBlog joined in with both a brief three-pager...
...and a multi-part retelling courtesy of Gilberton, the publisher behind Classics Illustrated and World Around Us!
Enjoy, and if you have a friend or family member who's a D-Day veteran, tell him "Thank You" for us!
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by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers and others
by Robert Kanigher, Joe Kubert and others

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Mini-Blogathons Return...

Starting next week, our annual Mini-Blogathons will be back...
We had so much D-Day material available, that we've decided to use some of it for the blogathons, beginning with Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos hitting the beach on D-Day!
Yes, it was reprinted in a Marvel Masterworks a decade ago, but those are extremely-expensive and didn't sell very well, so most of you have never seen this tale from 53 years ago!
We're giving equal time to Fury's counterpart, Sgt. Rock, presenting his never-reprinted D-Day adventure!
Both of these sagas will appear at (where else) War: Past, Present & Future!
It was really crowded at Normandy on June 6th, 1944 since Blackhawk and his team were also there, so it's only fair we present their never-reprinted D-Day adventure...which also doubles as their never-revealed Hero Histories!
Since we're phasing back in to regular blogging after the harrowing events of the past few months, we're limiting the Blogathons, which, while fun, tend to be exhausting to produce!
Starting Monday, we'll be back to daily posts here at Atomic Kommie Comics, continuing the ongoing features where we left off!
In addition, True Love Comics Tales will return to weekly posting on Wednesday, beginning with our usual Summertime "beach read", a book-length Gothic novel!
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by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers and others
by Robert Kanigher, Joe Kubert and others

Thursday, June 6, 2019

D-Day 75th Anniversary "Part 5: The Landing"

...and the action is about to get hot and heavy!
Let's dive right in!
Illustrated by the highly-underrated George Evans, this chapter appeared as a backup in Gilberton's World Around Us #31 (1961).
This particular issue was subtitled "Hunting", but the stand-alone lead tales in the front had little relationship to the serials in the back of the book!
To see Part 6: HERE!
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by Robert Venditti, Kevin Maurer & Andrea Mutti

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

D-Day 75th Anniversary "Part 3: The Decision"

...tension rises as the make-or-break deadline approaches!
Will the Allies attack or wait?
Spoiler: they don't wait!
Illustrated by the highly-underrated George Evans, this chapter appeared as a backup in Gilberton's World Around Us #29 (1960).
This particular issue was subtitled "Vikings", but the stand-alone lead tales in the front had little relationship to the serials (including this and "Red Planet Mars") in the back of the book!
To see Part 4: Night HERE!
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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

D-Day 75th Anniversary "Part 1: Key to Victory", artist George Evans expands on that feature with a multi-part serial about the invasion of Normandy, along with a recap of events setting the stage...
Illustrated by the highly-underrated George Evans, this chapter appeared as a backup in Gilberton's World Around Us #27 (1960).
This particular issue was subtitled "Illustrated Story of High Adventure", but the stand-alone lead tales in the front had little relationship to the serials in the back of the book!
To see Part 2: Target HERE!
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by Robert Venditti, Kevin Maurer & Andrea Mutti

Monday, June 3, 2019

D-Day 75th Anniversary "The Normandy Invasion"

Here's a never-reprinted short about June 6th, 1944's historic event...
...from Gilberton's Classics Illustrated Special Issue #166A (1962)
Considered one of the most accurate artists to render military comics, George Evans presents a brief, concise mini-feature about the turning point in World War II!
But that's not all, folks!
Tomorrow through Thursday, we'll be doing a crossover event between us and our "brother" RetroBlog War: Past, Present & Future...a six-part never-reprinted serial about the D-Day invasion featuring more amazingly-detailed art by George Evans (and other Fleagle Gang members)!
It'll begin here tomorrow with Part 1, linking to Part 2 on War: Past, Present & Future the same day, and following the same pattern on Wednesday and Thursday for the remaining chapters!
Don't miss it!
BTW, see our previous D-Day tribute posts HERE!
And yes, we're back after an unplanned hiatus due to almost dying.
(Actually, my heart did stop for about two minutes, but I was brought back from "walking into the light", as they say!)
I'm better now, and eager to present more time-lost stuff to you eager readers!
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by Wayne Vansant