Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2013

MORE Technical Difficulties Thanks to Google...

Google has made another un-announced change, disabling uploading of images to Picasa/Google+ albums unless you're using Google+ instead of Google.
Last week they disabled editing in Google+ Photos unless you use the Chrome browser, and when we finally were able to access it after loading and initializing Chrome, discovered they had eliminated some features (including showing file size, resolution, and image dimensions) from the editing software!
(We worked out a new editing system and are back on track with that)
Because our albums are spread out over three different user names, only one of which is on Google +, we'll have to work out what to do.
Because moving the albums from one user name to another would break the existing links to the blogs, that option is out of the question.
Hopefully, we'll be back tomorrow...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Due to Technical Difficulties (redux)...

...with Google+'s Photo app, which no longer edits pix, we're unable to bring you today's scheduled post.
However, we now have a new work-flow using another app in place, and goodies will be back tomorrow!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Due to Technical Difficulties...

...with Google+'s Photo app, which no longer edits pix, we're unable to bring you today's scheduled post.
Hopefully, we'll be up-and-running tomorrow...

Sunday, June 30, 2013

No Post Today Due to Google / Picasa Problems Redux

Due to problems with Picasa, we'll be unable to do our scheduled post for today.
Whenever we try to access Picasa, a popup forcing us to join Google+ or we can't access our albums "pops-up"!
We hope to resolve the problem (or figure out a workaround) by Monday.
Thank you for your patience.

Friday, June 28, 2013

No Post Today Due to Google / Picasa Problems

Due to problems with Picasa, we'll be unable to do our scheduled post for today.
Whenever we try to access Picasa, a popup forcing us to join Google+ or we can't access our albums "pops-up"!
We hope to resolve the problem (or figure out a workaround) by Monday.
Thank you for your patience.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Problems with Blogger and Picasa

Due to Google forcing us to use a new, and extremely-buggy version of the Blogger interface and new problems with Google's usually-reliable Picasa photo-editing software, we're unable to post our scheduled story today.