Showing posts with label novels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label novels. Show all posts

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Reading Room ANDROMEDA "Where Do You Get Those Ideas?"

It's a question creatives are constantly-asked...
Alan Dean Foster, whose prodigious output includes the novelization of Star Wars (and the in-between-SW & ESB novel Splinter of the Minds Eye) and the Star Trek Logs (which adapted the scripts of the Star Trek animated series), along with the plot for Star Trek the Motion Picture (far different from the final film), as well as hundreds of his own novels, novelettes, novellas, and short stories gives us an idea of the process in this never-reprinted piece from Andromeda/Silver Snail Publications' Andromeda #6 (1979)...which was an all-Foster scripted issue!
Interestingly, it's a manual, not electric, typewriter, which was the standard by that point!
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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Little Women: the Comic Book!

...that opened Christmas Day!
But, did you know there was a comic book adaptation...done over 30 years ago?
Our "sister" RetroBlog, True Love Comics Tales, is running the story (which was actually part of a read-along book and record set) now and next Wednesday!
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Thursday, April 26, 2018

50 Years Ago, the Avengers' First Non-Comic Book Adventure...

...involved a world-conquering madman!
Note: neither Quicksilver or the Scarlet Witch appear in the book, though they're referenced as past members.
The Wasp and Iron Man are the other featured members of the team in this story!
Written by long-time pulp/comic book writer Otto Binder (whose credits include Superman and the original Captain Marvel, this never-reprinted tale is a rolicking, fast-paced adventure that would have made a kool flick back in the Swinging 60s!
Trivia: Binder co-created both Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes!
Though there had been numerous paperback reprints of Marvel comics by Lancer Books, this was the first prose novel...and an original story, not an adaptation of any of the comics tales!
There were three previous comic book prose novels before this...all based on DC characters!
George Lowther's Adventures of Superman (which, technically, was based on the radio show), and Winston Lyons (William Woolfolk's) Batman vs the Three Villains of Doom (based as much on the tv show as the comic) and Batman vs the Fearsome Foursome (a novelization of the 1966 theatrical movie).
Karzz is more an alien Kang the Conquerer than Thanos the Mad Titan, but there are a number of parallels between this and Infinity Wars.
Now, before you go see the new the intro and first chapter of this lost classic...
The inside cover teaser!
Yes, (Stan the Man) Lee intros the story!
Iron Man does show up in Chapter Two...after running into Karzz!
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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Does Popular Culture Corrupt Kids?

For the answer, you must read... Max Allan Collins with EC Comics-style illustrations by Terry Beatty and pulp-style cover by Glen Orbik!
Ironically, the subject matter is just as relevant today as it was back in the 1950s...
Or so the esteemed Dr. Werner Frederick would have people believe—people like the Congressmen holding hearings on banning violent crime and horror "funny books." And when the crusade provokes a most un-funny murder, Jack Starr—comics syndicate troubleshooter—has no shortage of suspects. Was it the knife-wielding juvenile delinquent or the naked seductress? Perhaps a frustrated publisher or an outraged cartoonist. Or was it a comic book reader...?
(You can read an excerpt HERE!)
Inspired by the real-life 1950s witch-hunt against crime and horror comics (much like the present crusade against video games and movies), Max Allan Collins' crime novel SEDUCTION OF THE INNOCENT gives you a slightly-skewed, but based on the facts, view of the history of comics loaded with Easter Eggs for any pop culture aficionado.
I'd offer you a link to buy a copy, but refuses to allow me to do so because I'm a resident of Illinois and New York, which charge Internet sales tax, so Amazon doesn't allow residents of either state to use their Associate program.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

JOHN CARTER Movie WallPapers

WallPapers from the movie website in various formats by clicking HERE!
Yeah, it's Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins), not John Carter.
I wanted to start with her...for obvious reasons.
You got a problem with that?
Didn't think so. ;-)
They should have called the film John Carter and the Princess of Mars.
Hits all the demographic bases: Men, women, teens, tweens, sf/fantasy fans, romance fans, Disney Princess fans, etc.
Sequels based on the books could have been...
John Carter and the Gods of Mars
John Carter and the WarLord of Mars
John Carter and Thuvia of Mars
John Carter and the ChessMen of Mars
John Carter and the MasterMind of Mars
John Carter and the Fighting Men of Mars
John Carter and the Swords of Mars
John Carter and the Synthetic Men of Mars
John Carter and Llana of Mars
John Carter of Mars
If the series did original tales they would also use the "John Carter and..." format for the titles.
Hey, it worked for Harry Potter and Indiana Jones, didn't it?

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Monday, October 25, 2010

No Sh!t, Sherlock!

Caught the updated SHERLOCK on PBS last night.
While my admiration for the "classic" version in both print and film is unbounded, I found this revamped version to be quite entertaining, the same way I enjoyed the 1990-2005 animated DC Comics Universe's use of the established characters and plots of the long-running comics (er, graphic novels) and adapting/updating them or the recent Star Trek revival film.
Don't cry "sacrilege" before watching it!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Buy Bonds...James Bonds!

Here's a link to an amazing auction of James Bond collectibles including original art for movie posters (used and unused) first editions of the Fleming novels, posters from around the world, and much more.
I'd tell you more, but my drool is causing the laptop to short circuit!