Showing posts with label Luciano Lima. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Luciano Lima. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2022


Unused C&A movie poster by Drew Struzan 1873 Arizona, a battle between a wagon train heading for Silver City and Indians is interrupted by a crippled flying saucer crashing nearby!
The surviving aliens decide to conquer the "primitive" humans while they await rescue by their fellow space travelers.
After quickly destroying a nearby US Army outpost, they head for the nearest group of structures, Silver City...where the wagon train has just arrived!
In the ensuing battle, the cowboys, joined by the Indians they were fighting earlier, manage to drive off the aliens, who aren't as invincible as they believed.
The humans join forces against a common foe.
And they gain a new enslaved alien who has escaped from her masters...and who believes "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"!
"Maw hunters"?
Don't miss the next exciting chapter...tomorrow, at...
Western Comics Adventures!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

COWBOYS & ALIENS Part 2 1873 Arizona, gunslingers Zeke Jackson and Verity Jones are defending a wagon train heading for Silver City from Indian attack when a crippled flying saucer crashes nearby, interrupting the battle...
We don't think that's the proverbial cavalry coming over that there hill!
The mayhem continues Wednesday at
Western Comics Adventures!
Writers Fred Van Lente & Andrew Foley, penciler Luciano Lima, and inkers J Wilson, Silvio Spotto & Luciano Kars, working from a concept by Scott Rosenberg, produced a kool tale in 2006 that's quite different from the 2011 big-budget movie based on it!