Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts

Friday, May 6, 2022

Friday Fun CRAZY "Spencer the Censor"

With all the recent discussions regarding on-line censorship...

...we have to ask; what sort of person actually does the censoring?
Sadly under-appreciated comics creator Howie Post illustrated (and likely scripted) this never-reprinted feature from Atlas' Crazy V1N5 (1955)
(Note: The "V1" is because this was the first of Atlas/Marvel's attempts to use the title "Crazy" to match EC's MAD, either in color comic or b/w magazine form!
They tried again in the early 1973 with another short-lived color comic which reprinted material from Not Brand Ecch, but finally succeed with a b/w magazine which ran for 94 issues from late 1973 to late 1983.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

We Stand with Charlie Hebdo... they return to the public forum...
...on newsstands and the Net!
BTW, we're showing more guts than CNN, New York Times, and others who "talk the talk", but don't "walk the walk" by running the cover itself!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

One Million Moms vs Dracula!

Shades of Fredric Wertham and Seduction of the Innocent...the group One Million Moms has issued a fatwa against the Prince of Darkness...Dracula!
Warning! NBC’s new program Dracula airs on Friday evenings at 10:00 p.m. ET/9:00 p.m. CT with a TV-14-SV rating.
The gory series will air on weekends when children and teens usually stay up later.
Not only is this show extremely violent, but it also includes a high level of sexual content that should be considered pornographic material.
NBC’s website describes the series with words like sex, style, mystery and adventure.
Even the previews included several brief clips of sex scenes that would be considered soft porn. This program is entirely too graphic in too many ways.
Previews of this program also included: terrifying screams, a rotted corpse, death, murder, a woman burned alive while tied to a stake, spirits, satanic and occult elements, homosexual content, tons of blood (mostly on Dracula’s face and victim’s necks) and other gore, including decapitated heads in boxes and pools of blood.
Apparently no member of One Millions Moms knows how to set the V-Chip in their own tvs, dvrs, or cable/satellite boxes!
It certainly would be a lot easier, faster, and more effective than doing what they suggest...
Urge advertisers to place the program on their “do not advertise” list in protest of the attempt to desensitize America and our children by promoting inappropriate content.
But, that would require the One Millions Moms to act like parents...something they seem incapable of doing...