Showing posts with label Battle Los Angeles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battle Los Angeles. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: BATTLE: LA Alien Invasion Special!

Continuing our weekly feature "YouTube Wednesday" (A day late)...
 To celebrate the coming of the newest alien invasion epic, here's a retro look at previous extraterrestrial incursions...

UFO tv series (1973)

War of the Worlds (1953)

Quatermass and the Pit aka Five Million Years to Earth

Plan 9 from Outer Space

Mars Attacks!

Earth vs the Flying Saucers

V the original miniseries

Green Slime

Daleks Invasion Earth: 2150 AD

The X-Files

Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons
and last, but not least...

Godzilla Final Wars: Godzilla vs alien-controlled "American Godzilla" aka Zilla!

Check out our kool
Alien Invasion
kollectibles including...
Seduction of the Innocent!
Martians! Martians! Martians!
The Future WAS Fantastic!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Reading Room: Alien Invasions: Captain Video Part 2

YouTube Wednesday has been moved to Thursday this week only.
Read the first part of this tale HERE.
Aliens operating on the Dark Side of the Moon plan to attack Earth, and only Captain Video (with the Video Ranger) can stop them...
You may ask, "What's so special about this? It's typical sci-fi."
And you'd be right.
Except, due to it's low-budget nature, the Captain Video TV show and movie serial showed aliens who looked like this...
The "alien invasion force" from Captain Video; the Serial. Note Captain Video (Judd Holdren) and the Ranger on the left in clever disguises.
Only in the comic, unencumbered by financial or special effect restrictions, was the full, unfettered potential of the show realized.

Check out the
and the kool Captain Video stuff from Amazon, available below!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reading Room: Alien Invasions: Captain Video

Yes, Ed Norton's idol, TV's first space commander battled alien invaders as well as terrestrial threats!
From Captain Video #5...
To be continued, tomorrow!
Same Blog Time!
Same Blog Feed!

Check out the
and the kool Captain Video stuff from Amazon, available below!