Showing posts with label costume. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costume. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The FINAL Wonder Woman Costume from the TV Pilot!

The costume Adrianne Palicki wore at the end of the rejected Wonder Woman tv pilot written and produced by David E. Kelley...
...and the costume as originally-shown in promo photos.
When they actually filmed the pilot, the blue boots shown above were red, like the bustier.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

TV's New Wonder Woman in Costume!

We covered the controversy regarding the new Wonder Woman costume introduced in #600 of her comic book series HERE.
At that point, the consensus was that the new outfit was meant to be more "user friendly" for a live-action Wonder Woman, either in film or tv.
Well, here's Adrianne Palicki in costume, as Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman, as she'll appear in the pilot for a new David E Kelly-produced series.
BTW, Lynda Carter has gone on record as saying she likes it!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Illegal Alien Costume?

"Hey, I have a Green Card!"

There's been a great deal of politically-correct controversy about an "Illegal Alien" Halloween costume.
(I do note nobody from the ethnic group being portrayed has actually come forth to complain. And if they don't think it's offensive, why should anyone else?)

Personally, I think it's weird to bitch about this NOW, since we've been wearing "illegal alien" Halloween costumes for, literally, generations and nobody's complained about it before...

So, why are we glorifying this...
Illegal Alien?
Entered United States via unregistered aircraft! (Plus, no flight plan filed!)
Adopted by American couple under suspicious circumstances!
Operates under two aliases: (Clark Kent and Superman), not his birth name (Kal-El)!
Ethnicity: "Kryptonian"
I could go on and on...

It's a JOKE!
Humor doesn't have to be politically-correct!
(And, in fact, much of the FUNNIEST stuff ISN'T politically correct!)