Showing posts with label Space Falcon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space Falcon. Show all posts

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Space Hero Saturdays SPACE FALCON "Pirates of the Stratosphere"

If you're a Golden Age or sci-fi comics fan, or just following Space Hero Saturdays, you know about SpaceHawk...
...but I seriously doubt you've even heard of Space Falcon!
If you don't know who Space Falcon is, it's quite understandable.
His only, never-reprinted, appearance was in PL Publishing's first and only issue of Captain Rocket (1951)!
In fact, PL was one of the least successful comic publishers in history, lasting less than a year and producing only eight titles, none of which ran more than three issues!
However, the creative who scripted and illustrated this tale, Harry Harrison, is probably better-known to you due to his later literary work: the Stainless Steel Rat novel series and the movie Soylent Green, based on his novel Make Room! Make Room!

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