Showing posts with label bugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bugs. Show all posts

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bugs & Other Creepy Crawlies 2015 12-Month Calendar

A kool kombination of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, Bugs & Other Creepy Crawlies of Comics and Pulps™ features numerous six, eight, and multi-legged arthopods in a dozen nightmarish scenarios from the wildest 1930s, 40s, and 50s comic book and pulp magazine covers we could find, all digitally-restored and remastered directly from the original periodicals!A perfect wall decoration for an entomologist or a pest control technician (We called them "exterminators" in the good 'ol days.)
Look for this cover...
at our 2015 12-Month Calendar section!
Order now, before it comes creeping after YOU!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Design of the Week--Startling Insectoid Comics!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
We're continuing our roll-out of horror comics-themed goodies with this vintage 1950s horror comic cover from the new Bugs and Creepy Crawlies 2011 12-Month Calendar that'll be on assorted collectibles like mugs, t-shirts, iPad/Kindle/messenger bags and the like for only 7 days! After that, it's back to the anthill, only to be seen on the calendar!
Combine it with one of the demonically-delightful books or DVDs below for a kool-ghoul gift set for birthday or holiday!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

MORE Creepy Calendars Coming!

We already have over three dozen kool 12-month calendars for 2011 covering almost everything from Sherlock Holmes to romance comics to sci-fi / fantasy to wartime aviation to the Old West to The Green Hornet, and back.
 But, are we done? Are we content to sit back and relax?
Not by a long shot, fellow pop culture aficionado!
We're busy finishing up five NEW calendars, requested by...YOU!
Buyers of our Horror Comics of the 1950s™ and Thrilling Science Fiction Tales™ calendars suggested...hinted...cajoled...even begged for subject-specific calendars for themselves and loved ones with serious interest (or even mild obsession) for...
All featuring cover art photographed directly from rare 1920s-1960s pulp magazines and comic books, digitally-restored and remastered!
NO second-generation pix from reference books or reprints!
NO low-rez files from the Net, rezzed up and pixelated beyond belief!
 What you see here are the covers for the calendars.
We're finishing work on the interior art and will post samples next week as we finish each one.
Check back next week!