Showing posts with label S&S. Show all posts
Showing posts with label S&S. Show all posts

Monday, January 15, 2024

Monday Madness DOC SAVAGE COMICS "Polar Treasure"

Our current arctic blast reminded me of the setting of an early Doc Savage novel...
...which was condensed into the shortest comics adaptation of any of the Man of Bronze's "supersagas" (as Phillip  Jose Farmer refers to them) we've ever seen!
Two notes:
1) the flying man on the cover is Ajax the Sun Man, who had his own strip in the book.
(Ajax is not in the Doc Savage tale.)
2) the story may be NSFW due to racial stereotypes common to the 1940s.
The first few issues of the 1940s Doc Savage Comics condensed and adapted Doc pulp novels.
This issue (#3 from 1941) took the 1933 pulp tale "Polar Treasure" and fit it into only eight pages!
Both writer and artist of the adaptation and cover are unknown.
Lester Dent wrote the original novel under the "Kenneth Robeson" house pen-name.
Trivia: both the original and paperback editions of the novel are #4 in their respective series.
Cover by Walter M Baumhaufer
Cover by Lou Feck or James Avati or Frank McCarthy
(After the first novel, "Man of Bronze", Bantam Books reprinted the stories out of original publication order, going with what they felt were the most exciting tales first.)
Bookmark us (if you haven't already) since we have a lot of cool never-reprinted material coming up this year!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Space Hero Saturdays SHADOW COMICS "Riddle of the Flying Saucers"

Who Knows What Evil Lurks...on Earth and the Moon?
Yeah, that guy!
As they used to say...
Not a dream!
Not a hoax!
Not an "imaginary story"!
This never-reprinted tale from S&S's Shadow Comics V7N10 (1948) is illustrated by Bob Powell, who may have written it..although it could be The Shadow's primary writer, Walter Gibson, who co-created and scripted the Spurs Jackson and His Space Vigilantes strip in Charlton's Space Cowboy Comics a few years later!
It's definitely not an adaptation of a Shadow radio show episode, which most of the comic stories during this period, in fact, shown HERE and HERE!
BTW, this wasn't the last time He Who Knows What Evil would be involved in a Moon-related story...

...which you can learn more about
...when we detail our plans for this year's
RetroBlogs Summer Blogathons!
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Thursday, March 3, 2022

Reading Room LEFTY FLYNN "and the Diamond Death"

Take me OUT at the ball game...
Who knew baseball could be such a violent sport?
No, you won't!
This never-reprinted story from S&S's Doc Savage Comics V1N4 (1941) was Lefty's first, last, and only appearance anywhere!
Both the writer and artist of this one-shot strip are unknown.

With the baseball season delayed due to the owners' lockout of the players, I just had the urge to re-post this tale from a far more innocent time, so here it is!