Showing posts with label dime novels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dime novels. Show all posts

Saturday, August 4, 2012

FANTOMAS by Louis Feuillade

Finally got to see the first great movie series/serial...
...binging on the five films that comprise the 1913-14 Fantomas series...and I'm absolutely blown away!
Yes, they're almost a century old b/w silent films, but these are wonderfully-pulpish over-the-top mystery-action flicks that beat the pants off most of the over-CGIed crap that passes for cinema today!
If you've never read the books (and I haven't), there are some wild twists and turns, and a series finale that places the evil protagonist, Fantomas on a level with Doctor Doom or The Joker as THE villain who can never be caught/killed!