Showing posts with label mac raboy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mac raboy. Show all posts

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Flash Gordon #8 Cover Preview

There's no Flash Gordon like a "classic" Flash Gordon.
Have you noticed that all the attempts to "update" the character modify him so much as to be unrecognizable?
(Remember the Smallville-ized Sci-Fi, er, SyFy version? YUK!)
Thankfully, Dynamite's current series goes back to the basics, combining the best of Alex Raymond's (and successor Mac Raboy's) original strips with the movie serials, 1980 feature film, Filmation tv series, and Al Williamson's contributions in the '60s and '80s, to make a kool pastiche almost on the level of the Dini-Timm-McDuffie DC Animated universe.
Top it off with superb covers like this one for #8 by Francesco Francavilla, and it's a must-have package for high-adventure fans of all ages.
Sadly, this is Francisco's final Flash for the foreseeable future. (Say that five times fast!)
But, considering he's doing covers for The Shadow, The Spider, and other classic genre characters, I think I'll still be getting a hefty dose of Francavilla art every month!
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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Flash Gordon #7 Cover Preview

There's no Flash Gordon like a "classic" Flash Gordon.
 Have you noticed that all the attempts to "update" the character modify him so much as to be unrecognizable?
(Remember the Smallville-ized Sci-Fi, er, SyFy version? YUK!)
Thankfully, Dynamite's current series goes back to the basics, combining the best of Alex Raymond's (and successor Mac Raboy's) original strips with the movie serials, 1980 feature film, Filmation tv series, and Al Williamson's contributions in the '60s and '80s, to make a kool pastiche almost on the level of the Dini-Timm-McDuffie DC Animated universe.
Top it off with superb covers like this one for #7 by Francesco Francavilla, and it's a must-have package for high-adventure fans of all ages.
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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Heroes of the Golden Age Return...

I'm ecstatic to finally see Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers!
It's everything I hoped in a Golden Age revival; respectful to the original material, but willing to tread new ground. Beautiful covers, nice inside art (though I hear the artist will, unfortunately, be leaving soon.), clever writing.
Two words: BUY IT!

And, if after reading Project SuperPowers #0 (Available now! BUY IT!), you have a craving for kool kollectibles based on the ORIGINAL 1940s versions of the characters, pop over to Atomic Kommie Comics: Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics where their classic cover art has been digitally-restored and remastered onto goodies ranging from messenger bags to t-shirts to mousepads to blank sketchbooks to Lord-Knows-What-Else. It's NOT Alex Ross, but it IS some of the best comics art ever from greats like Mac Raboy, Lou Fine, Reed Crandall, and Alex Schomburg, among others! Plus: multiple cover images for a number of characters including Black Terror, Fighting Yank, The Face (Mr. Face), Miss Masque (Masquerade), Samson, The Flame, Green Lama, The Owl,and Frankenstein (F-Troop)