Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2024


The German Dictator Who Almost Destroyed the World...
Hitler in his prison cell in 1924!

Dare the world allow another criminally-convicted German...
...Donnie Johann Drumpf
(his real family name, BTW)...
...who stated he would be a dictator... rise to power in 2024?

Sunday, April 14, 2024

What Do Trumpettes Talk About When They Wait in Line to Get Into a Rally?

Likely something like this...
...and this!
Both these two-page spreads are from Charlton's Hee Haw comics derived from the syndicated TV series.
These examples of the show's humor were written and illustrated by Frank Roberge and based on an ongoing skit featuring the entire cast (plus guest stars) in a cornfield popping up and doing jokes and one-liners!
The TV show ran a surprising twenty-six seasons from 1969 to 1995, though the comic only lasted for seven (never-reprinted) issues!

Friday, March 1, 2024

Friday Fun FARMER'S DAUGHTER "Gig McCoy: Around the Cracker Barrel"

As cons/Republicans continue to support a failed politician/urban "businessman" who specializes in tall tales...
...we'll amuse you with a story about a rural businessman who, though honest, specializes in tall tales!
This never-reprinted story from Stanhall's Farmer's Daughter #1 (1954) was typical of the sort of lowbrow humor the publisher specialized in.
With titles including Broadway-Hollywood Blackouts and G.I. Jane, Stanhall produced adult-oriented (but never more risque than PG-13) humor.
Animator Hal Seegar was the editor/writer/illustrator for the non "good girl" strips like this one, while Bill Williams handled the art for the more risque material (like the title feature) which Seegar wrote and edited.
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Monday, February 12, 2024

Monday Madness REAGAN'S RAIDERS "...Back to Zero!" Conclusion

...he and his revitalized cabinet were about to deliver a can of whup-ass to a group of terrorists!
You'll note a cameo by a certain eyepatch-wearing, cigar-smoking soldier usually seen in ripped shirts.
The never-reprinted Solson's Reagan's Raiders #1 (1986) was written by Monroe Arnold, and illustrated by Dick Ayers, Rich Buckler, and Jason Rodgers.
Monroe Arnold was a character actor with numerous tv/movie appearances in the 60s-80s.

His best-known genre role was in the unsold pilot for Dick Tracy (1967), produced by Batman's William Dozier.
BTW, the film Monroe was listed above as writing/directing, Diary of a Terrorist, was never completed.
He suffered a heart attack after shooting a proof-of-concept reel and was unable to continue the project.

Solson Publishing was run by Gary Brodsky, son of Marvel's first Production Manager and occasional inker Sol Brodsky.
One of the many companies created during the b/w comics craze of the 1980s, it was legendary for producing parody/swipes of more-successful b/w books along with somewhat tasteless books about how to draw women.
Reagan's Raiders was one of the few original titles in the lineup, and it lasted only three issues.
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Monday, February 5, 2024

Monday Madness REAGAN'S RAIDERS "...Back to Zero!" Part 1"

With Don da Con fantasizing he looks like Elvis Presley (presumably in his declining years)...
...let's look at a 38 year-old comic that, substituting today's 2024's senile, elderly, obese Republican for the 1980s model...could be published today!
Be here next Monday as the mayhem from the never-reprinted Solson's Reagan's Raiders #1 (1986) ensues and we present background info on writer/co-creator Monroe Arnold and his unusual connection to comics, as well as this little-known comic company with an amazing pedigree!
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Thursday, January 25, 2024

Trump Reading Room DEATH RATTLE "Foreshadow"

Like Don da Con's "deplorables", the primitives below fail to actually listen... this never-reprinted tale from Kitchen Sink's Death Rattle V1N2 (1973)!
Writer-artist John Pound is still going strong almost half-a-century later!
Besides underground comics, he also worked on Marvel's Howard the Duck, and was the primary artist on the original run of Garbage Pail Kids from Topps Cards!
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(featuring the work of John an afterward!)