Showing posts with label Uncanny Tales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uncanny Tales. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Haunted House Reading Room UNCANNY TALES "I was Locked in a...Haunted House!"

Here's a tale that was so kool...
...Stan Lee and the artists at Atlas/Marvel told it three times...with variations, of course!
Written by Stan Lee, illustrated by Joe Maneely, this story from Atlas' Uncanny Tales #7 (1953) featured comic book fanboys as the protaganists.
(Note they only read Atlas titles like MysticMarvel Tales, and Uncanny Tales!
None of that EC crud for these guys!)
Be here Tuesday when Stan Lee and another Silver Age great re-tell this tale!
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Thursday, July 22, 2021

CoronaVirus Comics Reading Room UNCANNY TALES "Cure"

Sometimes solving the puzzle of a pandemic is worse than the disease itself... this never-reprinted tale set in the then-future year of 1976 from Atlas' Uncanny Tales #45 (1956) demonstrates!
It should be pointed out that the "common cold" virus, though known to mankind since 1600 BC, has never been known to affect any other, non-human species!
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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Reading Room / Halloween Horror UNCANNY TALES "Witch in the Woods"

 Since we posted a story about people blaming horror comic books for all the world's evils...

...we thought we'd run another tale by the same writer from the same period!
As Stan Lee's somewhat snarky script for this story from Atlas' Menace #7 (1953) points out, those beloved fairy tales were as mind-rotting as the comics Wertham and the others hypocritically tried to ban!
Joe Sinnott's clean and elegant renderings keep the story from being too grotesque, helping to sell Lee's point without the extreme gore some other publishers of the period (and even Atlas itself) occasionally went for!
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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Reading Room / Halloween Horror UNCANNY TALES "Escape from Mars"

Here's a never-reprinted sci fi/horror tale from the 1950s...
...from a Weird Science/Tales from the Crypt clone!
Illustrated by Joe Sinnott (best known as the inker for a large part of the Fantastic Four's Silver and Bronze Age run), this tale from Atlas' Uncanny Tales #15 (1953) actually has a scientific basis (sort of) for the conclusion!
The Perseid Meteor shower occurs every late summer/early autumn.
The unknown writer of the tale took advantage of that ongoing event to anchor this rather fanciful story in reality.
But, in doing so, the scripter made a major mistake!
Since Mars is much further from the Sun than the Earth, it takes longer (about 1.88 "Earth years") for the Red Planet to orbit the star called Sol!
Unless the Martian calendar's "year" is less time than a complete orbit around the Sun (as ours is), their "September" and ours wouldn't coincide on an annual basis!
Plus, as a morality tale, the story fails miserably!
Spiro (who killed to get the ticket) and his wife, Cinda, get what's coming to them.
But all the other Martians on board the ships are, as far as we know, innocent!
They don't deserve to die!
And Dictator/Scientist Vleben will continue to murder the surplus population without punishment!
One of the great things about the EC Comics sci-fi/horror line was that justice, however bloody and gruesome, was always served!
However, the many clones, like this one, simply "went for the jugular" without the emotionally-satisfying balancing of the scales of justice!
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Saturday, March 14, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics UNCANNY TALES "Cure"

Sometimes solving the puzzle of a pandemic is worse than the disease itself... this never-reprinted tale set in the then-future year of 1976 from Atlas' Uncanny Tales #45 (1956) demonstrates!
It should be pointed out that the "common cold" virus, though known to mankind since 1600 BC, has never been known to affect any other, non-human species!
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