Showing posts with label anime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anime. Show all posts

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Reading Room RADIO BOY "Conclusion"

When Last We Left Our Tiny Robot Hero...
What do you do when giant monsters attack?
If you're the Electric Patrol, tasked with guarding the globe, you throw up your hands and call upon that tiny triumph of technology, Radio Boy!
Eclipse's never-reprinted Radio Boy #1 (1987) one-shot is loosely-based on Osamo Tesuka's Astro Boy, which had achieved success as a translated anime in the early 1960s and opened the door for a flood of Japanese cartoons on American TV that continues to this day.
Note: Though Astro Boy is best-known in the US as a tv cartoon series, it began as a wildly-successful manga in 1954.
The premise of Radio Boy is that the creator himself did the translations for this American edition, resulting in a mish-mash of syntax and tenses as well as some literal translations of Japanese phrases.
As a collector of foreign videos (including Japanese and Chinese DVDs), I can attest that the English subtitles on them often do read like the captions and copy in this spoof.
I suspect writers Chuck Dixon (yes, that Chuck Dixon) and Jim Engel had also seen some mis-translated films/videos, and wanted to re-create the experience on the printed page.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Reading Room RADIO BOY "Part 1"

Here's a never-reprinted 1987 manga/anime spoof..., of course, glorious black and white!
Manga (and its' Korean counterpart, mahnwa) seem "weird" when colorized.
To be concluded and finished...Thursday!
Loosely-based on Osamo Tesuka's Astro Boy, which had achieved success as a translated anime in the early 1960s and opened the door for a flood of Japanese cartoons on American TV that continues to this day.
Note: Though Astro Boy is best-known in the US as a tv cartoon series, it began as a wildly-successful manga in 1954.
The premise of Radio Boy is that the creator himself did the translations for this edition, resulting in a mish-mash of syntax and tenses as well as some literal translations of Japanese phrases.
As a collector of foreign videos (including Japanese and Chinese DVDs), I can attest that the English subtitles on them often do read like the captions and copy in this spoof.
I suspect writers Chuck Dixon (yes, that Chuck Dixon) and Jim Engel had also seen some mis-translated films/videos, and wanted to re-create the experience on the printed page.
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Atomic Kommie Comics
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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Design of the Week--Sheldon & Leonard's Hero...CAPTAIN FUTURE!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
Your eyes do not deceive you!
It's the 1940s magazine artwork the kool poster adorning Sheldon and Leonard's apartment (in the tv series Big Bang Theory) is based on!
It was the premiere issue of a cult-favorite pulp magazine called Captain Future that ran thru the 1940s, was reprinted in paperback in the 1960s, became a fan-fave anime series in the 1980s, and has recently been revived in hardcover!
It's already part of our Captain Future collection featuring the many faces of the Captain Future character(s) in pulps and comics, but we felt it was time to spotlight this particular piece due to it's historical significance and the fan interest we've seen on the Net.Plus, it's now on a number of items not part of our main collection, and after next Sunday, they'll no longer be available!
So act now to get the Man of Tomorrow, created in the past, before he disappears next week! (Wha?)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Design of the Week--Captain Future Logo Redux

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
In rare cases, like this, we keep it another week because sales are so good!
It's the logo of the hero of Big Bang Theory's Sheldon and Leonard, hanging in a place or honor by the front door of their apartment...
He's the Wizard of Science!
He's been the subject of pulp magazines, comic books, even an anime series!
He's Captain Future, and now you can wear him on shirts, bags, cellphone & e-reader cases, and other kool stuff!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Design of the Week--Captain Future Logo

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...It's the logo of the hero of Big Bang Theory's Sheldon and Leonard, hanging in a place or honor by the front door of their apartment!
He's the Wizard of Science!
He's been the subject of pulp magazines, comic books, even an anime series!
He's Captain Future, and now you can wear him on shirts, bags, cellphone & e-reader cases, and other kool stuff!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fantastic Femmes: Junie Hoang

She's talented!
She's cute!
She's controversial!
She's Junie Hoang, and she's complaining that her career was ruined by the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) because they revealed her real age!
She's 41, and doesn't look it!
She's 41? So what? She's HOT!
While she's never had a big break, Junie has been working pretty regularly since 1992, including a lot of animation voice work!
She even voiced Chun Li in Street Fighter 2: Victory!

We wish you the best, Junie, and hope to see (or hear) you on the screen soon!

Genre credits include:
Ginger DeadMan 3: Saturday Night Cleaver (Sandy) / GingerDeadMan 2: Passion of the Crust (Ensign Del Rio)
Note: Junie plays two different characters since #3 is a time-travel story transporting the villain back to the 1970s.
 1000 Ways to Die "Gratutity Violence"
Tropic Thunder (Day Player, scene deleted)
Back on Topps (Tough Asian)
Spirits Among Us (Jennifer)
Adventures of Zion Man & the Supreme Comander (Queen Lucealot)
Z: a Zombie Musical (Zombie Mailwoman)
Eve of Destruction / When Worlds Collide / Fallen Angels
(additional voices)
Voodoo Dolly (Stephanie Hung / Ms Fix-It / Tool Time Lad)
 All-Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku TV (additional voices)
Street Fighter II: Victory (Chun Li)
BubbleGum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 (additional voices)
Martian Successor Nadesico (Eri / additional voices)

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


She's not Kei or Masaru, but do you really care?
The last thing Kei and Masaru remember was being struck dead by a subway train while saving the life of a drunken bum.
What a waste!
And yet somehow they're still . . . alive?
Or semi-alive?
Maybe it's reanimated . . . by some kind of alien orb with a nasty message . . . "Your lives are over. What you do with your new lives is up to me!"
And what this orb called "Gantz" intends to do with their lives is make them play games of death, hunting all kinds of odd aliens, along with a bunch of other ordinary citizens who've recently met a tragic semi-end.
The missions they embark upon are often dangerous. Many die-and die again.
This dark and action-packed manga / anime / live-action movie deals with the moral conflicts of violence, teenage sexual confusion and angst, and our fascination with death.
Hang on to your gear and keep playing the game, whatever you do; Gantz is unrelenting.
This is the cast, in Japanese. If anyone can translate, please e-mail me.

NEW PEOPLE and NCM Fathom are bringing the world premiere of GANTZ to movie theaters nationwide for a one night live event on Thursday, January 20th at 8:00 pm ET/ 7:00 pm CT/ 6:00 pm MT/ 8:30 pm PT (tape delayed).
This live-action feature, based upon the popular Japanese manga / anime series, is the ultimate survival game. It will be English over-dubbed exclusively for this big screen event.
Following the feature, the two stars, Kazunari Ninomiya and Kenichi Matsuyama will participate in an exclusive live interview that can only be seen at this event.
Click HERE for a list of participating theaters.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Design of the Week--Giant Japanese Robot!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
Call him Mecha!
Call him Metal Man!
We call him Generic Giant Japanese Robot!
You'll call him "KOOL!"
Available for a week on a variety of goodies including t-shirts, mugs, messenger bags and other collectibles!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Design of the Week--Giant Anime Robot!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week, we stay with our Asian graphics motif and go mecha with Giant Anime Robot! featuring a kool mechanical man and it's motorcycle-riding pilot from a 1970s series never shown in the USA!
It's colorful and exciting, but non-violent, so it's suitable for tots and toddlers as well as older kids and adults!
More anime fun to come...