Showing posts with label Charley Tomsey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charley Tomsey. Show all posts

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Space-Hero Saturdays CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT "...Finds the Lunar Lair!"

Place Your Bets, Ladies and Gentlemen!
Note: they still haven't fixed Jagga's chameleon-like coloring!
Judging from the cover, that trial is going to be a killer!
The unknown writer and artist Leonard Frank bring back long-time aides Joyce Ryan and Chuck Ramsey for a brief visit in this tale from Fawcett's Captain Midnight #55 (1947), though they don't actually participate in the adventure!
It's also their final appearance in the series.

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Saturday, January 6, 2024

Space Hero Saturdays CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT "Asteroid Battle!"

You thought we'd heard the last of evil Jagga the Space Raider?

Not only is he back, but displaying his chameleon-like ability to change color between the cover and the first page of his new battle with Our Hero...the "Monarch of the Airways" himself...Captain Midnight!
BTW, Jagga doesn't have chameleon-like abilities, though they'd probably come in handy.
The comic's editor didn't coordinate between the cover and interior colorists!
Not surprising, since the cover (by Charley Tomsey) and interior (by Leonard Frank) were likely prepped a couple of months apart.
And note that when the story and cover were reprinted in Australia...
...the Aussie editor had Jabba's coloring (somewhat) corrected!
Now, on with today's adventure...
Artist Leonard Frank and a presently-unknown writer continue the battle with Jagga in this tale from Fawcett's Captain Midnight #54 (1947).
And, yes, he'll be back...though what color he'll be, you'll have to wait and see!

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