Showing posts with label Lone Ranger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lone Ranger. Show all posts

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Asians and Asian-Americans in Comics...the Saga Continues

Even more from our ongoing examination of how American comics portray Asians and Asian-Americans...
Start with the only Golden Age Desi jungle girl in (where else?)
The Lone Ranger rides to the rescue of oppressed Chinese settlers in the old West, first in a never-reprinted comic tale in...
...then listen to the dramatic radio show the comic was adapted from at...
and finally, witness the villainy of the character who personified the racist concept of "Yellow Peril" for over a century in...

There's lots more coming!
Don't miss it!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Wind up "Lone Ranger Month" with a Classic LONE RANGER Comic Story!

Here's a tale written by the co-creator of the Lone Ranger...
...originally-published in the newspaper strip, and probably based on a radio show episode!
Click on the link HERE to read it!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Lone Ranger: Complete Series Box Set at an Incredibly-LOW Price, plus Classic Lone Ranger Movie Blogathon Posts!

See this kool Brand-New box set with every 1950s episode (even the John Hart ones)?
If you look on the net, the cheapest you'll see it for is $129.99!
Want to get it, still in shrink-wrap, for...hold your breath...
Go to Costco!
It's supposed to be $99.99 (which is still a great deal).
But, apparently due to the collapse of the new movie, they're taking an additional $20 off to move it off the shelves!
(I found this out yesterday, when I went shopping at Costco...)
BTW, it's not available through Costco's website, only at the warehouses!
Who would've thought a movie about one of our favorite heroes doing badly at the box office would work to our benefit?
Art by Leroy Neiman
Our contributions to the Dynamic Duos in Classic Film Blogathon are now up, including...
A look at the Republic Film serials at Hero Histories.
The two feature films starring the TV Ranger and Tonto at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video.
The previous cinema flop, 1981's Legend of the Lone Ranger at Western Comics Adventures.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Lone Ranger

Our contributions to the Dynamic Duos in Classic Film Blogathon are now up, including...
A look at the Republic Film serials at Hero Histories.
The two feature films starring the TV Ranger and Tonto at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Defeat of the Lone Ranger

The Lone Ranger has met the one enemy he couldn't conquer..
The box office.
His new (and somewhat controversial) movie has bombed...badly.
To be fair, it did do better than John Carter...which didn't have any "marquee name" performers like Johnny Depp.
Despite this, our brother blog, Western Comics Adventures™ will continue entries all this month about the most famous Western duo in fiction (whom we've covered a number of times previously).
This Monday, you'll see a classic retelling of the team's origin.
Who knows, we may pull in more eyeballs than saw the movie...

Saturday, June 29, 2013

It's Lone Ranger & Tonto Month at Western Comics Adventures!

With a new (and somewhat controversial) Lone Ranger (and Tonto) movie opening next Wednesday, our brother blog, Western Comics Adventures™ will be dedicating July to entries about the most famous Western duo in fiction (whom we've covered a number of times previously).
This Monday, you'll see a classic feature on Tonto; his biography, cultural background, and skills & abilities, that was consistent through the various versions in radio, tv, comics, pulps (yes, pulps) and movies up to the late 1990s!
There'll also be entries about the incarnations of the duo in various media with lots of hard-to-find stuff to link to and/or download.
And maybe an explanation for the bird on Johnny Depp's head...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Uncle is The Lone Ranger and My Son is The Green Hornet!

Status quo-changing events are not a new phenomenon in fiction.
Even in the Golden Age of Comics, series and characters received revamps (or even total reboots) if sales weren't meeting expectations.
Sometimes, the revamp extended through a character's other media incarnations as well!
And, at least once, through two different characters' incarnations with a crossover character...Dan Reid!
Much has been written about the radio show episodes that tied The Green Hornet and The Lone Ranger together, using Dan Reid, who was both Britt (Green Hornet) Reid's father, and John (Lone Ranger) Reid's nephew!
Though Dan was the same character in both shows, different actors played him on the two series, because Dan was a 'tween/teen on the 1880s-set Lone Ranger, and a middle-aged/elderly man on the contemporary (1940s) Green Hornet!

The 1940s Harvey Green Hornet comic book series had been loosely-adapting the radio show's scripts into comic stories, but when this storyline (spread over four episodes) ran on the radio show, the comics' creatives had to do some serious juggling to fit two hours of dramatic radio into two eight-page chapters in a single issue!
(And, yes, a subtle Lone Ranger reference is in the comic story, too!)
It's so historically-important that we couldn't confine this tale to a single blog!
You can see the results at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™, with the conclusion at Hero Histories™.
In both entries, we're providing not only the comics tales, but the radio show episodes as well, so you can compare them!

Plus, we're presenting the introduction of Dan Reid (as a kid) into the Lone Ranger series, which added another ongoing character with whom the Masked Rider of the Prairie could interact (especially when the actor playing Tonto went on vacation or was out sick) in both comics and mp3 formats!
You'll find Part One HERE at Western Comics Adventures™ and Part Two HERE, back at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™.

And, don't forget to visit...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Listen to a Lost Hero on National Radio Day

August 20th is National Radio Day, celebrating, among other aspects...
old-time dramatic radio, which presented an astonishing number of action heroes including those created for radio...
Green Hornet

Captain Midnight
  Lone Ranger
Mysterious Traveler
Mr District Attorney
Big Town
and those adapted from other media...
classic one-time presentations like
War of the Worlds
 Enter the "Theater of the Imagination!

Check out the
Atomic Kommie Comics
storefronts featuring
Big Town
Captain Midnight
Blue Beetle
Green Hornet
Green Lama
Mr District Attorney
Mysterious Traveler
War of the Worlds
Kool Kollectibles!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Whatever Happened to The Lone Ranger?

The budget had been approved.
The script was written (and approved) by all concerned.
The stars, including Johnny Depp as Tonto, were cast.
Sets were being built in New Mexico.
Pre-production was well underway.
Then, someone at Disney yelled "STOP!"

The producer, Jerry Bruckheimer, was told he would have to cut $40 million from his already-approved budget of $250 million.
Was it because of the less-than-stellar box office for Cowboys & Aliens?
According to the LA Times: "Cowboys & Aliens made them (Disney executives) start quaking in their boots over big budgets," said Brandon Gray, creator and president of, a website that tracks worldwide ticket sales. "It was High Noon at Buena Vista."
Oddly enough, The Lone Ranger also would've been a cross-genre western, this time with werewolves (which makes sense, since silver can slay lycanthropes, and the Ranger uses silver bullets)!

Besides the location shooting in New Mexico, The Lone Ranger had reserved several soundstages at  Albuquerque Studios which, ironically, are currently being used for another big-budget Disney film; The Avengers!

Let's see what develops...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: THE LONE RANGER

Click on art to enlarge
From 1949 to 1958, The Lone Ranger (with Tonto, natch) dominated tv as the Western show for kids.
It was also ABC-TV's first hit series, winning it's time period consistently.
In 1955, it was decided to film the b/w series in color for it's final (1956-57) season.
Before shooting for the season itself began, both a tv special celebrating the character's anniversary and a feature film were shot using the new color equipment. Then filming began on the final season, which also required reshooting all the previous outdoor stock footage (which was b/w).
Ironically, ABC began airing the color-filmed episodes (including the anniversary special) before the movie opened in theatres...but aired them in b/w, so this movie is, chronologically, the character's first color appearance!
Clayton Moore is still considered the definitive Lone Ranger, and Native American actor Jay Silverheels played Tonto as smarter than most cowboys he encountered, despite the character's problems with adjectives.
Here's the trailer from the first movie...

And here's the opening from the second feature film, Lone Ranger and the Lost City of Gold, which synopsizes his origin in two minutes! 
(It takes a whole movie to do it these days, and not as well!)

We're presenting these classic clips to alert you to a related Internet first...a serialized story carried across multiple blogs!
We're re-presenting as a 4th of July holiday treat, the 60-page-plus comic adaptation of the 1956 Lone Ranger feature film, illustrated by Tom Gill (with inking by Joe Sinnott), which has never been reprinted!
The first two parts run today and tomorrow at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™, then parts three and four on July 1st and 2nd at Hero & Heroine Histories™, with the last two on July 3rd and 4th at Western Comics Adventures™!
Join us as we make cyber-history! ;-)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

MORE Halloween Horror by Francesco Francavilla

If you haven't already visited the blog, hit Pulp Sunday during it's 31 Days of Halloween.
Hot artist Francesco Francavilla, who's presently working on such iconic characters as The Batman, Daredevil (and The Black Panther), The Lone Ranger, The Green Hornet, and Zorro (see a pattern?) is presenting a daily feature in October of illos rendering classic movie monsters and horrors in pen and ink!
Miss it NOT!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Comic Christmas Cover: The Lone Ranger

For the next few days, we'll be showing Christmas-themed Golden Age comic covers.
Today it's The Lone Ranger #79 (1955)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hi, Ho, Rudolph...Away!

There's more to keeping peace and providing justice for all on the wild frontier than just shooting an owlhoot who's trying to kill innocents!
Sometimes, it's filling in for Santa Claus and providing a much needed Christmas tree and a few presents to some lonely souls on the prairie on a moonlit Christmas Eve...
Why not join the Lone Ranger, Green Lama, Edison Bell: Boy Inventor, SuperSnipe and others at our Christmas in the Comics™ virtual storefront, where good cheer and cool, vintage graphics adorn greeting cards, ornaments, mugs, hoodies, and other seasonal stuff?
But order now! The Lone Ranger can't deliver to everybody, you know!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Kevin Smith's Green Hornet to be comic mini-series

As all us fanboys (and fangirls) know, before Seth Rogan's version of The Green Hornet was "green-lighted" (ahem), fan-turned-pro Kevin Smith was scheduled to write and direct a new film adaptation of the multi-media character.
Now, Dynamite Entertainment, who successfully revived classic characters Zorro, The Lone Ranger, Buck Rogers, and the 1940s heroes we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ classify as the Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™ in Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers, are also doing The Green Hornet, with one of the projects being a comic book mini-series of the un-produced script for the Kevin Smith film project!
Interestingly, he seems to have adapted several elements from the tv series including the domino mask (rather than the lower-face mask of the comics and radio show ad art or the full-face mask of the serials) and use of a "stinger" weapon, as well as the NOW Comics' female Kato! (and of course, having Alex Ross do the costume designs and cover art doesn't hurt!)

One request to the powers-that-be at Dynamite...
Kevin Smith has become notorious for his problems meeting deadlines on his comic book projects.
Hopefully, the fact that he's already worked out the plot and probably most of the script of the movie will enable him to produce the mini-series in a far more timely manner than his other oft-delayed work.
At any rate, please don't schedule publishing the mini until at least 3/4 of the script is in-house!

More on this as it develops...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Batman Meets the Shadow...sort of!

There have been numerous examples of actors who previously played heroes appearing on superhero or sci-fi shows as other unrelated characters.

(This does not count actors meeting their later counterparts like Buster Crabbe on Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Christopher Reeve and Helen Slater on Smallville, or Adam West on Batman the Animated Series!)

The Lone Ranger meets Commando Cody!
Clayton Moore (The Lone Ranger on The Lone Ranger tv series) played the lead villainous henchman in Radar Men from the Moon!

Batman meets Superman
Robert Lowry (Batman in the Batman & Robin serial) appearing as a government agent on Adventures of Superman!

The Shadow meets The Green Hornet
Victor Jory (The Shadow in The Shadow serial) playing a villain on The Green Hornet [1966]!

Captain Midnight meets Captain Kirk
Richard Webb (Captain Midnight on the Captain Midnight tv series) as a psycho Starfleet officer on Star Trek!

Doc Savage / Tarzan meets Superboy
Ron Ely (Doc Savage in Doc Savage: the Man of Bronze & Tarzan on Tarzan [1966-69]) portraying the retired Golden Age Superman on Adventures of Superboy!

James Bond meets Superboy
George Lazenby (James Bond in On Her Majesty's Secret Service) as Jor-El in Adventures of Superboy.

But, tonite, for the first time, we witnessed the meeting of two actors who played heroes, and neither was a heroic character!

Adam West (Batman on Batman [1966]) met Alec Baldwin (The Shadow in The Shadow [1995]) on 30 Rock!

Well, I thought it was cool...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Comic Christmas Cover "The Lone Ranger"

For the next few days, we'll be showing Christmas-themed Golden Age comic covers.
Today it's The Lone Ranger #79 (1955)