Showing posts with label Fringe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fringe. Show all posts

Saturday, February 4, 2012

At last...Astrid x 2!

While all the other major characters on Fringe have met their dimensional counterparts, the two Astrid Farnsworths hadn't...until last night!
Next to John Noble's Emmy-level performance as the two diametrically-opposite versions of Walter Bishop, Jasika Nicole's portrayals of the different, yet similar, Astrids meeting each other is one of the high points of the season.
If you missed it, catch the rerun of the ep, "Making Angels", when it airs or watch it on Fox's Fringe website.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Who should play Captain America in the new movie?

Who can fill these boots convincingly?
How about...
Currently Christopher Chance on the Human Target.
(BTW: Human Target marathon on FX TODAY!
All six episodes aired so far
from 2pm-8pm ET!
TIVO or DVR it!
[Personally, I DVD it!])
Was on Fringe, Boston Legal, ER, and starred in the cult classic Keen Eddie!
 Picture him in the suit!
Picture him as Steve Rogers!
Works for me...
(But then, I was hoping for Clive Owen as James Bond in Casino Royale!)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fantastic Femmes--Jasika Nicole

Note: this page has been updated with NEW info  
I'm hooked on JJ Abrams' Fringe!
One of the best-written and acted shows of the past decade.
John Noble as Walter Bishop is an absolute delight to watch in action. Never a dull moment with that guy!
And the season finale with the alternate universe...WOW!
(JJ does have a thing for alternate realities. Think he's gonna tie in Star Trek and LOST into this potential multiverse?)
But there's a mystery even more elusive than ZFT!
Why doesn't Agent Astrid Farnsworth get MORE screen time?
Jasika Nicole is an extremely-talented actress who can easily hold her own on-screen with Noble, Joshua Jackson, or Anna Torv!
C'mon Abrams, give her some time outside the lab!
At least let her shoot somebody! :-)