Showing posts with label John Wagner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Wagner. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder CHRONICLES OF GENGHIS GRIMTOAD "Conclusion"

A note before we proceed...
Written by Alan Grant & John Wagner and illustrated by Ian Gibson, the series appeared in 2-page installments in all 20 issues of Marvel UK's bi-weekly Strip Magazine (their version of Marvel USA's Epic Magazine) and ended, incomplete, when the title was cancelled.
The strip was compiled along with the unpublished material to finish the story for a graphic novel version published in 1990.
We'll point out where the previously-published material ends, and the previously-unpublished material begins...
Back to our regularly-scheduled story...
Trapped by the evil Kang's forces, the rag-tag group is forced to hope the inept sorcerer Genghis Grimtoad can save their lives, though his "magic" has been less than helpful up to this point...
Note: this is where the original series stopped when the magazine Strip! was abruptly cancelled.
Sadly, there hasn't been a Book Two...
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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder CHRONICLES OF GENGHIS GRIMTOAD "Part 3"

To protect Prince Eric, heir to the throne of Haven, from death at the claws of Toadthrax the Sorcerer (servant of the usurper King Kang), King Ranald sends his son along with Queen Jade, bodyguard Quanah: the Painted Warrior along with Genghis Grimtoad (inept apprentice to court sorcerer Karbunkle Grimtoad) to Quanah's mountainous northern homeland!
Kang's troops catch up with the refugees in Boglund, Grimtoad's homeland.
The group, (despite Genghis' ineptiude at magic) manages to escape, but Queen Jade is wounded...
"Ulp!", indeed, Genghis!
To be Continued
Next Wednesday!
Written by Alan Grant & John Wagner and illustrated by Ian Gibson, the series appeared in 2-page installments in all 20 issues of Marvel UK's bi-weekly Strip Magazine (their version of Marvel USA's Epic Magazine) and ended, incomplete, when the title was cancelled.
The strip was compiled along with the unpublished material to finish the story for a graphic novel version published in 1990.
Though intended for sale in both in the UK and USA, the trade paperback received limited distribution here and hasn't been reprinted since then!
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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder CHRONICLES OF GENGHIS GRIMTOAD "Part 2"

To protect Prince Eric, heir to the throne of Haven, from death at the claws of Toadthrax the Sorcerer (servant of the usurper King Kang), King Ranald sends his son along with Queen Jade, bodyguard Quanah: the Painted Warrior along with Genghis Grimtoad (inept apprentice to court sorcerer Karbunkle Grimtoad) to Quanah's mountainous northern homeland!
Ranald and Karbunkle hold off the attackers as long as possible, and die heroically.
But their sacrifice may be in vain as Kang's troops catch up with the refugees in Boglund, Grimtoad's homeland...
To be Continued
Next Wednesday!
Written by Alan Grant & John Wagner and illustrated by Ian Gibson, the series appeared in 2-page installments in all 20 issues of Marvel UK's bi-weekly Strip Magazine (their version of Marvel USA's Epic Magazine) and ended, incomplete, when the title was cancelled.
The strip was compiled along with the unpublished material to finish the story for a graphic novel version published in 1990.
Though intended for sale in both in the UK and USA, the trade paperback received limited distribution here and hasn't been reprinted since then!
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics!
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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder CHRONICLES OF GENGHIS GRIMTOAD "Part 1"

The best way to learn about a totally-new universe is to dive right in...
...and learn as you go!
To Be Continued...
Next Wednesday!
Written by Alan Grant & John Wagner and illustrated by Ian Gibson, the series appeared in 2-page installments in all 20 issues of Marvel UK's bi-weekly Strip Magazine (their version of Marvel USA's Epic Magazine) and ended, incomplete, when the title was cancelled.
The strip was compiled along with the unpublished material to finish the story for a graphic novel version published in 1990.
Though intended for sale in both in the UK and USA, the trade paperback received limited distribution here and hasn't been reprinted since then,

Like most fictional worlds, this one's geography is different than ours, so you'll need a map to know where you are and where you're going...
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