Showing posts with label Space Patrol Orion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space Patrol Orion. Show all posts

Friday, February 19, 2016


While there are many similarities between Space Patrol and Star Trek...
...the one big difference I've seen commented upon over and over again is...
...the dance numbers that occur in almost every episode.
The closest thing I've ever seen on American sci-fi tv was in the pilots for Battlestar Galactica (1978) and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979).
However, Raumpatrouille had their own ongoing choreographer, William Milié, to compose the funky dance numbers that appeared in the background of each episode!

Friday, February 12, 2016


These guys are smiling right now...
...but not for long, as we reach the apocalyptic series finale (yes, finale)!
The energy-based aliens known as "Frogs" make their move against Earth, using traitors from within to disable Space Command!
It's all-out war, and you, space cadets have a ringside seat!
Note: We've tried to embed the English subtitles, but if they don't come up automatically, go to the "gear" icon on the lower right of the video screen, and set them manually.)
We'll be back next week with a detailed look at some of the unique aspects of the series.

Friday, February 5, 2016

RAUMPATROUILLE "Die Raumfalle" (Space Trap)

Welcome to the penultimate episode of 1960s' Germany's counterpoint to Star Trek... the crew of the Orion is assigned to attempt to prove the theory that life on Earth originated in outer space.
Sounds sedate, eh?
Mix in a passenger who happens to be a science-fiction writer seeking inspiration for his next novel, a stopover at a penal colony, plus a mad scientist who tries to hijack the ship, and you get a space opera episode jam-packed with thrills!

Note: We've tried to embed the English subtitles, but if they don't come up automatically, go to the "gear" icon on the lower right of the video screen, and set them manually.)

Friday, January 29, 2016

RAUMPATROUILLE "Kampf um die Sonne" (Battle for the Sun)

We've seen sci-fi tropes like evil aliens, psycho robots, and wandering planets, we confront two topics once considerered sci-fi, but are now part of daily life in the 21st century: global warming (bad) and feminism/women's rights (good), but told from a 1960s perspective!
Note: We've tried to embed the English subtitles, but if they don't come up automatically, go to the "gear" icon on the lower right, and set them manually.)
More 1960s sci-fi next Monday!

Friday, January 22, 2016

RAUMPATROUILLE "Deserteure" (Deserters)

Buckle up, space cadets, as we rejoin the crew of the SpaceShip Orion!
McLane is given a super-weapon called "OverKill" that he's to install on Earth outposts, but the Frogs can now mind-control humans...including the Orion's crew.
Will the space fleet have to destroy the Orion to keep OverKill out of the Frogs' possession?
Note: We've tried to embed the English subtitles, but if they don't come up automtaically, go to the "gear" icon on the lower right, and set them manually.)
Be here next Friday for another astounding adventure!

Friday, January 15, 2016

RAUMPATROUILLE "Hüter des Gesetzes" (Guardians of the Law)

After twice defeating energy-based aliens known as "Frogs"...
...the crew of the Orion 7 encounter rebellious robots on an Earth colony!
(Note the story makes use of Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics!
OK, let the comparisons to how Kirk and Spock would've handled it begin...

Friday, January 8, 2016

RAUMPATROUILLE "Planet ausser Kurs" (Planet Off Course)

After being demoted from front-line combat to local space patroling, Cliff McLane and his crew discover previously-unknown beings composed of pure energy have overrun a distant outpost.
(SPOILERS: the sharp-eyed among viewers may have noticed that certain members of the star fleet showed great reluctance to deal with the invaders.
Wonder why?)
Now, the aliens return with a plan to send a rogue planet hurtling on a collision course with Earth!
(Note: It's German with English subtitles.
I've tried to set them up before creating the link, but you may have to click on the "gear" icon to implement them manually.)

Be back next Friday for another retro-kool adventure!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Coming January 1st...Raumpatrouille!

What if Captain Kirk and his crew were a bunch of rule-breaking, hard-partying jerks...
...who still managed to save the universe on a weekly basis?
Meet Major Cliff Alistair McLaine and his international crew on this blog every Friday from January 1st onward!
Here's a trailer from a theatrical feature film compiled from several episodes to give you a taste...
And here's the title sequence with its variation of the "Space: the final frontier.." narration...

The 1966 seven-episode series was never broadcast in the US, but matches its' contemporary, Star Trek, for high adventure, drama, and innovative special effects, plus a really kool jazz soundtrack!
NOTE: It's in German with English subtitles.