Showing posts with label Ultimate Marvel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ultimate Marvel. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is Miles Morales the (Ultimate) Spider-MAN?

There's been a lot of controversy about the new Ultimate Spider-Man.
The sometimes-heated discussions about his ethnicity have been rather...revealing.
But, perhaps the most important question has been all but ignored...
Is Miles too young to be Spider-Man?
Look at this page...
Click on art to enlarge
He's apparently 12-14, and short for his age.
Now, Peter Parker was a high-school junior/senior, average height, but thin.
So 17-18 isn't unreasonable.
Even in disguise, he's not that imposing a figure, but obviously a young adult...
Even in costume, he looks almost as frail as the elderly security guard...
In the first year, before Ditko was told to "bulk him up", a number of foes would intitially snicker and make derisive comments about the "skinny twerp in the spider costume".
Then Spidey would kick their butts.
After Ditko left, Spidey's look became more muscular until he was on a par with most other acrobatic heroes like Daredevil or Black Panther.

How is a 12-14 year-old (even spider-enhanced) possibly going to look like anything but a kid in a Halloween costume when going toe-to-toe with characters who look like Schwarzenegger in a funhouse mirror?

Spider-Boy, maybe.
Kid Spider, perhaps.
Spider-Man, nope!
Try again when you grow up, Miles.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Star Trek is here--Beam me up!

If you're willing to accept Crisis on Infinite Earths and it's aftermath (plus Batman Begins onward and the various other DC-related film / tv series), Ultimate Marvel Universe, "One More Day", and the various Marvel-based films and tv series (Hell, Punisher was rebooted twice!), the Godzilla Heisei and Millenium films, Battlestar Galactica [2003-09],or the Eon James Bond 007 films from Casino Royale [2006] on, then you'll go with this for what it is...a reboot / alternate universe with some interesting twists.

And unlike most of the other film /tv series, this one acknowledges the fact that it's an alternate universe!
(Comics on the other hand, enjoy pointing out when they reboot! Go figure!) ;-)