Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts

Friday, February 18, 2011

Marvel's "Big Shots" Initiative: why it's the WRONG approach...

A brand new initiative, Big Shots spotlights three major launches of all-new ongoing series for the Marvel Universe’s hardest hitting heroes, by the comic industry's top creative talent!
"Fans are going to love what we have in store with Big Shots," said Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso.
"We’re taking some of the best Marvel characters that we all know and love and sending them in a brand new direction with some Grade-A talent.
We want to reach a whole new set of readers, while at the same time appeal to long time fans of these great heroes, and Big Shots is how we’re doing it."

What irritates me is that it implies that Marvel usually puts second-rate talent on their books, and that only this "special" project utilizes "top-rate" talent.
Our regular books are crap! Don't bother with them! Buy these, instead!
I miss "The House of Ideas"...