Showing posts with label American Apparel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Apparel. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2024

EGGcitment is Building for Easter!

Choose from Ducky's 1st Easter...
Bibs, creepers, toddlers' and kids' t-shirts, sweatshirts, and adult goodies like maternitywear!
Order now, so you'll have it in time for Easter!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Man of Animated Celluloid Steel!

In 1941, Max and Dave Fleischer, the animators who had previously brought Popeye and Betty Boop to the silver screen, presented Superman's first movie appearance in full-color cartoon shorts.
Meticulously-following co-creator Joe Shuster's character designs, the cartoons also contributed several elements to the Superman mythos including; changing clothes in a phone booth, Superman actually flying (Up to this point, he had leaped from point to point) and the catch phrase "Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!"
Voices were provided by the dramatic radio Superman / Clark Kent (Bud Collier) and Lois Lane (Joan Alexander) who would also reprise the roles in the first tv Superman cartoons in 1966!
Trivia: Though nominated for several Oscars, the Superman shorts lost each time!
We're proud to present one of the koolest of the original 1940s advertising posters for the cartoon series, digitally-restored and remastered, both as a limited-edition print and as a collectible t-shirt!
The bold graphic, though deceptively-simple, leaps off the page at you with it's power!
It's also the only Fleischer Superman poster we've seen that commissioned new art, rather than use existing comic book or animation art!
And best of all, it's in Swedish!
Perfect as a gift for an animation aficionado or Superman fan (or someone who's both)!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

It's Summertime! Drink KOOBA KOLA!

Wait a second...You CAN'T!
It doesn't exist!
(You can read the sordid tale of the soda that almost took the world by storm here!)
You can't DRINK it, but you can WEAR it!
It's the height of summer, and we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ decided to re-present the Soda That Would Not Die on collectibles ranging from BeachWear / NightShirts to mugs, iPad / netbook / messenger bags (and the irony of doing bags with "Kooba" on them hasn't escaped us!), and hoodies at KoobaCola 1 and KoobaCola 2!
So celebrate what could have been one of the bubbliest success stories of soft drink entepreneurship, but instead just fizzled out and fell flat!
(You just knew we were gonna do a pun like that, didn't you?)  ;-)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back to School with Classic Animation Designs!

Traditional values!
That's what we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ espouse!
And with our G-Rated Tykes, Toddlers & Tiny Tots (and Their Mommies)!™ section, we restore the classic animated cartoon/comic book style that Disney, Warner Brothers, the Fleischer Brothers, and others in the 30s, 40s, and 50s did so wonderfully, to a new line of kiddie clothes and accessories!
Funny animals (including SuperDuper Mouse, Cosmo Cat & SuperDuper Cat), clowns, cowboys, spacemen, robots, and much more in the retro style your parents and grandparents wore when they were little!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

If Archie was Black, he would have been Fast Willie Jackson!

Though it looks like it, Fast Willie Jackson was not published  by Archie Comics, but by Black-owned publisher Fitzgerald Publications who had previously published the Golden Legacy non-fiction comic series about Black history.
Fast Willie was their entry into the mass-market comics market.
Though not Comics Code-approved, it received newsstand distribution, and sales were climbing for each successive issue.
Unfortunately, it reached break-even only with the seventh (and final) issue, when other matters caused Fitzgerald Publications to cease producing new material for an extended period. When Fitzgerald resumed publishing, Fast Willie was not among the titles.
We've incorporated Fast Willie into our Classic Comix collection featuring digitally-remastered and restored oversized (up to 11 x 17) vintage images emblazoned on sweatshop-free American Apparel and Anvil Knitwear shirts and tote bags.
Can you dig it?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Concerts & Comics Conventions Collectibles

We're expanding our line of kool kollectibles to include a line of shirts with even BIGGER image areas on the front (and where applicable) the back.
This new line of shirts has an image area of up to 11" wide by 17" high, plus they're made by ethically-conscious American Apparel and Anvil KnitWear!
This particular assortment is based on various pop-culture occurrences like comic conventions, theatrical productions, protest marches, and musical concerts!
Choose from...
Buy 'Em! Trade 'Em! Collect Them ALL!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

SuperDuper Cat (plus SuperDuper Mouse & Cosmo Cat)

No, not Streaky the Supercat currently appearing in DC Comics, this "Super Cat" (renamed "SuperDuperCat" by Atomic Kommie Comics™) was originally published in the late 1950s by now-defunct Ajax/Farrell Publications appearing in several titles including a four-issue run of his own book.
(There was a tidal wave of costumed comic-book critters after the success of Mighty Mouse in the 1940s.
Super-powered mice, dogs, cats, rabbits, bears, worms, even bugs, ran amok in four-color funnies for almost a decade!)
He joins our other classic funny-animal heroes Cosmo Cat and SuperDuper Mouse in our Tykes, Toddlers & Tiny Tots™ G-rated collection of bibs, infant bodysuits/creepers/onesies, infant/toddler t-shirts and kids' tees as well as diaper bags and other useful goodies.
We have over three dozen different kid-friendly vintage designs including circuses, funny animals, spacemen, magicians, robots and cute monsters, all perfect as birthday or back-to-pre-school / kindergarten presents for your little one! And your tyke will look soooo cute in them!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Over-Sized Pop-Art Shirts!

We're expanding our line of kool kollectibles to include a line of shirts with even BIGGER image areas on the front (and where applicable) the back.
This new line of shirts has an image area of 11" wide by 17" high, plus they're made by ethically-conscious American Apparel and Anvil KnitWear!
Among the designs at this new location are Flesh (NOT Flash) Gordon, Giant Generic Asian Monster, Only REAL Americans in Arizona! (It's NOT what you think!), two Robin Hood comic book designs, and two Kooba Kola designs, with MORE to come!
Order them a size larger than normal and use them as beachwear over your swimsuits (or as tops if you don't use swimsuits at all!)
Bookmark the page, cause we'll be adding MORE stuff regularly over the next few months...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Only REAL Americans in Arizona! T-Shirt

Well, if you take the argument to it's logical extreme, Native Americans / Amerinds were here first...EVERYBODY else was an "illegal alien"!

If you're interested in making a political / socio-economic statement with this shirt, click HERE!
(It's American Apparel! Non-sweatshop-produced!)

For the record, I'm not for any sort of amnesty for undocumented aliens.
I believe they should be registered and go thru the same legal procedures and schooling / testing as any other immigrant wanting to become a US citizen.
No shortcuts, no special privileges.
My grandparents did it by the book (including learning English, though none of them were native English speakers), and I believe anyone else who wants "in" has to do the same!

Tomorrow, back to less controversial stuff...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Now OPEN--The Hornet's Nest!

Welcome to The Hornet's Nest

It's a new on-line store featuring seven different Green Hornet designs derived from the 1940s movie serial posters for The Green Hornet and The Green Hornet Strikes Again! (as shown above) and Golden Age comic book covers prepared with state-of-the-art technology and applied to collectible t-shirts, sweatshirts, and tote bags!
Note: the products are all from American Apparel and shipped in eco-friendly packaging!
(Talk about going GREEN!)
We'll be adding more designs both here and in our Atomic Kommie Comics™ store over the next few months, so keep an ear on us here and listen for the buzz...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

SuperDuper Cat (along with SuperDuper Mouse & Cosmo Cat) for Christmas!

No, not Streaky the Supercat currently appearing in DC Comics, this "Super Cat" (renamed "SuperDuperCat" by Atomic Kommie Comics™) was originally published in the late 1950s by now-defunct Ajax/Farrell Publications appearing in several titles including a four-issue run of his own book.
(There was a tidal wave of costumed comic-book critters after the success of Mighty Mouse in the 1940s. Super-powered mice, dogs, cats, rabbits, bears, even bugs, ran amok in the four-color funnies for almost a decade!)
He joins our other classic funny-animal heroes Cosmo Cat and SuperDuper Mouse in our Tykes, Toddlers & Tiny Tots™ G-rated collection of bibs, infant bodysuits/creepers/onesies, infant/toddler t-shirts and kids' tees as well as diaper bags and other useful goodies.
We have over three dozen different kid-friendly vintage designs including circuses, funny animals, spacemen, magicians, robots and cute monsters, all perfect as Christmas or birthday presents for your little one!
So why not leave some retro-style classic animated cartoon presents under the tree or in the stocking this year? Your tyke will look soooo cute in them!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Design of the Week--Super Circus!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
"Be a clown! Be a clown! All the world loves a clown..."
A bright, cheerful image of a clown from the long-running 1950s live-action tv show.
Perfect for tykes, toddlers, and preschoolers!

Interestingly, since it was broadcast in black-and-white, the only time kids saw the performers in color was on ad posters, magazine photos, or on licensed products!

FREE Back to school BONUS: Downloadable episode of the series available here! See what enthralled your parents and grandparents before YouTube!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Design of the Week--Space Ace

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
Before Don Bluth appropriated the name for his video game, there were a couple of totally different Space Aces in the Golden Age of Comics!
This particular one was a Flash Gordon-type set in the then-distant future year of 2000, complete with one-man spacecraft, moving sidewalks, flying cars, mile-high skyscrapers, human colonies on other worlds, etc.! (You remember all that stuff, don't you?)
And, of course, aliens!
LOTS of aliens!

One of the interesting things about this image is that it doesn't feature a scantily-clad woman being held captive by the tentacled alien, making it particularly age-appropriate (but still retro-kool) for under-10 year-old kids' (pre-K / 4th Grade) back-to-school stuff!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Design of the Week--Cosmo Cat!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
A perfect back-to-school design featuring a classic animation-style funny animal who's also a sci-fi super-hero!
Behold...Cosmo Cat!
Available both on high-end organic cotton clothing from American Apparel and our usual high-quality (but less pricey) line of garb and goodies!

Grab him while you can!
He'll only be in orbit for a week!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Man of (Celluloid) Steel

In our continual quest to bring you the koolest komic kollectibles, Atomic Kommie Comics™ is expanding our selection to include a new line of clothing / accessories.
Yesterday you saw Hornet & Kato and Kato & Hornet.
Today, it's The Man of Celluloid Steel!
Scanned from a cool Swedish poster for the revered 1940s Superman cartoons, it's a startling retro-style graphic guaranteed to produce "oohs and ahhs" from any pop-culture fans!
And, of course, all the products in our new line are from American Apparel plus the company imaging and shipping the items is totally eco-friendly!

So, fly the eco-friendly skies with The Man of Celluloid Steel!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Buzz on The Green Hornet

In our continual quest to bring you the koolest komic kollectibles, Atomic Kommie Comics™ is expanding our selection to include a new line of clothing / accessories.
Here are the first new offerings...
The first thing you'll notice is an even bigger image than on our previous shirts (up to 11" x 17") making them ideal for both casual wear and beach wear... plus; we're increasing the classic retro image selection! There will be new designs here not available at our other stores! (And, our best-selling classic designs will shortly be made available in larger-image versions!)
The second, less obvious, but equally-vital, thing is that all the products in our new line are from American Apparel and the company imaging and shipping the items is totally eco-friendly!

As to the designs themselves...
As you may have guessed, I'm a big fan of The Green Hornet. (After all, my nom-de-net is his secret identity!)
So, with a new film coming next year, I thought now would be the time to reintroduce the "classic" version to our pop culture-savvy clientelle in the "secret chic" tradition you've taken to heart

We're starting with two images from the theatrical release of the tv series.
Unlike the simultaneously-produced Batman series movie, this film was not an original production, but an edited compilation of four tv episodes!
And, at present, it's the only version of the tv series available on commercial dvd!

You may notice the emphasis on the late Bruce Lee in the design.
Green Hornet was his first major role, and the film, released after his untimely passing and the box-office success of Enter the Dragon, was meant to capitalize on the then-current martial arts cinema fad.
Regardless of the motive, they're both striking images, well-worthy of addition to any fan's clothing collection.
Note: we'll be adding art from both movie serials and the original comic books shortly!

But, that's not all!
Our new line will also include spies, space opera and sci-fi / fantasy, each in their own little cyber-storefront!
The buzz is building...not only on The Green Hornet, but for Atomic Kommie Comics™!