Showing posts with label JD Vance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JD Vance. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2024


"Republicans are a cowardly, superstitious lot!
So my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts!"

"I shall become a Childless Cat Lady!"
(With apologies to Bill Finger and Bob Kane for paraphrasing the origin of The BatMan presented in DC's Detective Comics #33, 1940) 
This character, who appeared in two issues of Centaur's Amazing-Man Comics during the Golden Age was a super-person with a difference!
How different?
Read on...

Cat-Man appeared only once more, three issues later.
Tarpe Mills, the writer/artist of this titillating tale, later created another, better-known, feline-themed comic character...Miss Fury, the first superheroine created by a woman!

BTW, despite Wikipedia's claim that Madame Fatal was the first transvestite super-hero, this Cat Man predates him/her by several months. (Amazing-Man Comics #5 was cover-dated September, 1939. Quality's Crack Comics #1, Madame Fatal's first appearance, was cover-dated May, 1940, over half a year later!)

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Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Some Words From the Guys in Charge"

Want to bet all these characters are based on Republican politicians of the 1990s?

And, note that they are, of course, all males, not "men" in any meaningful sense of the word, just like most current Republican politicians!
For the record, the late writer/artist Howard Cruse was a man, unlike Repug VP candidate JD Vance or Prez candidate Don (da Con) Trump!
From Angry Isis Press' Choices: a Pro-Choice Benefit Comic for the Anthology National Organization for Women, produced to raise money after the Supreme Court ruling of Webster V Reproductive Health Services (1989) began the re-imposition of limits to the rights of women over their own bodies!