Showing posts with label Mike Royer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike Royer. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Reading Room 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY "Hotline to Hades" Part 1

...after being released by the US military (with a tracking device implanted in him), the newly-christened Mister Machine meets a stranded Olivia and her nephew Jerry.
While fixing their damaged car, the three are attacked by the minions of Mister Hotline, who recognizes the robot as an "X" prototype, and seeks to control it...err...him!
Does a machine, even one programmed with human emotions, have a soul?
Jack Kirby believed in free will and the concept that "evil" was the restraint or removal of it.
In the Fourth World series Kirby created at DC, Darkseid's ultimate goal was to find the "Anti-Life Equation" that would permanently remove free will from sentient beings and make them mindless automatons.
Written and penciled by Jack Kirby, inked by Mike Royer, this final issue of Marvel's 2001: a Space Odyssey kicks-off the saga of Machine Man, but is not included in the current trade paperback compilation of his solo appearances due to licensing restrictions tied to the legendary MGM movie, which this series was a sequel to!
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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Reading Room 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY "Mister Machine" Conclusion

...sentient robot X-51/Aaron Stack/Mister Machine has been reluctantly released by the government...
Olivia's skeptcism and Jerry's fanboy-level knowledge of Doctor Doom, the Avengers, and others, all point to creator/writer/penciler Jack Kirby's determination to keep his new creations (The Eternals, Devil Dinosaur, and Mister Machine) outside the Marvel Universe by suggesting that, within his own books, the older Marvel characters are fictional!
Ironically, all of Kirby's 1970s creations are now woven tightly into the fabric of the shared Marvel Universe...or what's left of it these days...
Note: though Mike Royer inked the story, Frank Giacoia inked the cover (with minor re-penciling by John Romita Sr.
What does that mean?
The only way to find out is to check us out on Tuesday, faithful one!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Reading Room 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY "Mister Machine" Part 1

Captured by the military, the sentient robot known as X-51/Aaron Stack breaks free...
...with a little "assist" from the mysterious Monolith!
What awaits X-51/Aaron Stack/Mister Machine in the world outside?
Will the military really let him run around uncontrolled?
And what threats lurk right around the corner?
Written and penciled by Jack Kirby.
Inked by Mike Royer.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Reading Room 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY "Capture of 'X-51'" Conclusion

...when all the prototype robots of a secret government project are ordered to be destroyed, Dr Abel Stack refuses to allow the model he was testing, X-51, to be blown up.
Dr Stack had programmed X-51 with the emotional capabilities of a human being and renamed him Aaron Stack.
Considering the now-sentient robot to be the son he hever had, Stack removes the self-destruct bomb from X-51/Aaron and...
Beyond the use of the Monolith as a catalyst for change, this story arc bears no connection to the movie!
Written and penciled by Jack Kirby and inked by Mike Royer, Marvel's 2001: a Space Odyssey #8 (1977) was the beginning of the end for the title.
(Note: John Verpoorten inked the cover)
From what I've been told, Marvel and MGM were at loggerheads over the book.
Ending their contractual obligation with a reduced run of 10 issues instead of the original 12, Marvel suggested Kirby come up with something that could be spun-off into it's own title.
Thus was born Mister Machine...who had to be retitled Machine Man due to the fact Ideal Toys had revived the popular 1960s toy and had plans for marketing and licensing the property to other media, including comics.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2016