Thursday, June 27, 2024

Reading Room WORLD OF FANTASY "Beware the Future!"

Does a never-reprinted tale from the 1950s offer a clue as to how Don (the Con) Trump became President?
And can it happen...again?
Judge for yourself...
This Stan Lee-plotted, Larry Lieber-scripted, Al Williamson-illustrated tale from Atlas' World of Fantasy #16 (1959) points out a uniquely-human foible...if we "know" things will be OK, we don't see the need to take action ourselves to make sure they do turn out OK...and things can go horribly-wrong as a result!
In 2016, many Bernie Saunders supporters, POed because Bernie wasn't nominated as the Democratic candidate figured they'd protest by staying home and not voting in the general election, believing there were still enough Dems and intelligent Repugs and Independents voting to assure Trump wouldn't get into the White House!
Didn't quite work out, did it?
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  1. Why blame Sanders for being more popular than Clinton? Had the Democratic Party's right wing been paying attention to the polls, they would've backed Sanders because his economic message cut into Trump's base and Clinton's neoliberalism did not.

  2. No excuse for the Bernie Bois and Girls acting like children and sitting out the election like recalcitrant children.

    1. 88% of Sanders supporters voted for Clinton. The 12% who voted for Trump are the proof that Sanders would have gotten more votes than Clinton in the general election.
      Sanders supporters did more to help Democrats in 2016 than Clinton supporters did in 2008: Only 70% of Clinton supporters voted for Obama.

    2. Why would anyone who wanted Saunders vote for the "Anti-Saunders", Don da Con?
      Shows serious flaws in "logic" for them, eh?
      BTW, do you have a link to an unbiased source to show that EVERY Saunders Boi & Girl who voted in the primary also voted in the general election?

  3. 1. I must assume this was written before the debate. (And yes, Dems' panic is fucking shameful.)
    2. The voters did okay in 2016 -- the fully unfit POS got ~3m fewer votes than Clinton. It's the Founding Fathers' Electoral College (which never actually did the good the Founding Fathers assumed (or whatever) it would do). Then again, a putative democratic republic founded with democracy limited to white men with property and no one else... well, that screams commitment to anti-democratic minority rule.
    3. The story posted looked so unlike an Atlas tale that I had to check the GCD which confirmed. They mystery remains how it could be full Williamson art but unsigned. OTOH, that's too trivial even for me. That said, I'm not sure that all the inks is his.

    1. The Electoral College was created when the educated and the rich lived in the country on estates and plantations while the tradespeople and uneducated lived in the cities.
      Today, the educated and rich (not always the same thing as Don da Con proves) live in the cities, while the uneducated "salt of the earth" sorts live outside.
      Case in point: Even here in NY State, the cities are Democratic, while the rural areas of the state are solidly Republican.


Thanx for posting!