Sunday, June 30, 2024

See Psychedelic Sharks & The FIRST Aquatic Super-Hero...THE SHARK!

Before Shark Week Begins,
You gotta see this to believe it!
(If only these had been done as black-lite posters!)

Read the whole tale, based on the TV series Adventures in Paradise, at our "brother" RetroBlog, Secret Sanctum of Captain Video, HERE, HERE, and HERE!
Before Aquaman!
Before Prince Namor; the Sub-Mariner!
There Was...

The son of Neptune (who may or may not be the Roman god), The Shark once lived in an undersea kingdom, but set out to fight all crime committed at sea by anyone; human, sea-dweller, or extraterrestrial alien!
He's called "Shark" because sharks often accompany him...and eat his enemies!
The character is also a skilled scientist, who creates and uses technology far beyond then-current human science! 
  • His super-powers include...
  • The ability to breathe underwater
  • Superhuman strength and near-invulnerability (which he loses on land unless he's in physical contact with a magic knife given him by his father)
  • Mental control of sea life!
  • Ability to create creatures made of water, which he can direct mentally!
With a strip appearing in both Amazing-Man Comics and Stars and Stripes Comics, The Shark lasted until Centaur Publishing (which also published pulp magazines) gave up comics. 
You can read six of his tales (including his premiere) at another of our "brother" RetroBlogs, Hero HistoriesHERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE!

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Thanx for posting!