Showing posts with label fox features. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fox features. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Reading Room ROCKET SHIP X "Ivy Invasion"

Here's a never-reprinted tale from one of the rarest anthology titles of all...
...Fox's Rocket Ship X (1951)!
(not to be confused with the movie RocketShip X-M, which came out the year before...)
Both writer and artist(s) of this extremely-weird tale are unknown.
Fox, unlike most comics publishers in the 1940s-50s, didn't go whole-hog with sci-fi.
Though they did occasional sci-fi stories that appeared in their other adventure and action anthologies, Rocket Ship X (1951) was their lone sci fi-only anthology, and was just a one-shot.
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Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday Fun / CoronaVirus Comics MYSTERY MEN COMICS "Rex Dexter and the Radium Creatures of Capris"

Even in the " far future" of the year 2000 (as seen from 1939)...
..., plagues can affect the inhabitants of Earth!
And only a stalwart, heroic, usually lantern-jawed space hero could save us...
Ah, radiation!
Was there nothing it couldn't cure back then?
The use of Earth-based magnetism to propel and recover un-powered spacecraft is a rather unique touch that writer/artist Dick Briefer seems to have come up with on the spur of the moment.
BTW, we've re-presented the entire Rex Dexter series on this blog, and you can read every one of his startling space-bound sagas by clicking HERE!
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Thursday, April 30, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics SCIENCE COMICS "Dr Doom's Diabolical Disease"

No, not this well-known Marvel villain...
...but his totally-unrelated Golden Age predecessor who had his own strip in Fox's Science Comics!
In a future when Mankind has colonized the Solar System, a somewhat-stereotypical Mad Scientist constantly threatens all civilized life due to unspecified "injustices" done to him!
Opposing this nutcase are heroic square-jawed aviator Jan Swift and his co-pilot/girlfriend Wanda.
And that's all you really need to know...
In the early days, few comics were about just one character.
(Even books which were titled after a lead strip, like Superman, had backup stories about other characters to fill out 52 to 68 pages in each issue!)
Most comics of the era were anthologies, with up to a half-dozen strips ranging through every genre you could think of!
Many titles had an ongoing feature about a villain...who lost almost all the time!
And even if he (or she! Comics were equal-opportunity when it came to evil!) was captured, they would escape to plot evil once more!
This never-reprinted tale by "Richard Crater" (a pen-name) from Fox Feature's Science Comics #6 (1940) was typical of those "villain strips"
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Friday, October 26, 2018

Friday Fun REX DEXTER "SpaceShip of the Living Dead"

Our final Rex Dexter adventure truly goes where no space hero has gone before...
...battling interplanetary zombies!
This terrifying tale is from Fox's Mystery Men Comics #21 (1941), several issues before Rex's final tale in #24, which we presented HERE!
We're running it out-of-sequence because we thought it would make an appropriate story just before Halloween!
At any rate, this concludes Rex's saga on this blog, so be here next Friday, when we begin re-presenting another timelost series with a unique twist!
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Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday Fun REX DEXTER OF MARS "Who He Is and How He Came to Be" Conclusion

...he was experiencing his revised origin (as compared to his origin as shown in his premiere appearance HERE!)
So far, we've witnessed Rex's great-grandfather Montague leaving Earth in 1939, Rex's childhood after being born on Mars, and his romance as a young man with Cynde, also a descendent of the group who traveled from Earth with Montague Dexter in 1939!
Many of the plot elements from the original origin were altered in this new version which led off Fox's Rex Dexter #1 (1940), which was hoped to be a new, ongoing title, spun-off from Mystery Men Comics!
However. sales weren't strong enough to warrant continuing the separate title, and Rex remained in Mystery Men Comics until the end of its' run!
Next week: Our final Rex Dexter story, featuring space zombies!
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Friday, October 12, 2018

Friday Fun REX DEXTER OF MARS "Who He Is and How He Came to Be" Part 1

Remember the Origin of Rex Dexter... shown HERE?
Well, forget it!
Everything you knew was wrong!
(Well, not everything, but it's a lot more dramatic when you say it with italics and/or bold lettering!)
This is the one, true, totally-accurate, never to be contradicted, origin story...which begins before Rex was born...
We'll use this convenient stopping point in the plot to point out a couple of things!
In the first story, Rex is the son of Montague, who left Earth in 1939, and he is a young adult in 2000!
In the second story, Rex is the great-grandson of Montague, who left Earth in 1939, and he is a young adult in 2040!
In the first story, Cynde is a woman Rex meets when he arrives on Earth!
In the second story, Cynde, the great-granddaughter of another couple who traveled from Earth with the Dexters in 1939, accompanies him to Earth!
There are numerous other differences, as you'll see NEXT FRIDAY!
So, why re-tell and revise Rex's origins?
Rex was introduced in Fox's Mystery Men Comics #1 (1939), and turned out to be one of the more popular strips, along with Blue Beetle!
So, after a year, publisher Victor Fox decided to give each of the two strips their own one-shot...
...which would combine a brand-new origin story about each character with selected reprints from Mystery Men Comics!
The Blue Beetle never had an origin story, since his first tale showed him already established and in action, so an origin was no problem.
But Rex's origin had been told in his first appearance!
Fox instructed creator/writer/artist Dick Briefer to re-tell the origin, and Briefer decided to "tweak" the series' concept a bit, as you'll see, next week!
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